Sunday, May 5, 2013
Travelling Partner
I've found mine.... It was such an "accidental" kinda thing. Or...."suprise from God" kinda thing.... It's crazy but it's true. All I'm doing now is embracing and appreciating 'your' presence. I owe 'you' a LOT. Thank you and please stay....
Thursday, January 31, 2013
The break-up on 6th December 2012
Strawberry & Cookies. Our relationship ended on December 6th 2012, 2 weeks before the 23rd of Dec, a date where we chose to get engage....... It was painful but Strawberry decided to let go of Cookies as he found a new love that he think can replace Cookies, better in every way perhaps... RIP to our relationship. Thanks for the 6 years. 6 FUCKING YEARS. Our memories remain as memories in both our heart & mind.
I've tried to save it, with all the energy and love that I have, but he seems to loose all the interest and love. It was painful, to see someone that you really love deeply, that someone who is always there in your future that you've dream of......suddenly lost all his love towards you. There's no more heart, no more mind to think rationally i guess... I brought him to places, La Bodega, Ole Ole Bali Sky talk, to cry....and it was there at Sky Bar where he ended it, at almost midnight.
I was left, clueless, breaking, dying....
It was almost a miracle that I survived up until today. Sometimes, my strength to keep on living was unbelievable, and sometimes I broke down and crash into pieces...It was hard, but always be positive and remember that all of htis is written by Allah SWT. He whom always love his Hamba, will give us test. And this is the most difficult test I've faced in 26 years of my life. Alhamdulillah....
I dont have any intention to write this post, but i keep writing till here....
I should stop, memories will remain as MEMORIES.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Need extra $$$
I'm looking for a flea market / garage sale spot to sell my stuff. Clothes and accessories.
Ade siapa2 tau kat manee??? (Aside from Enspired @Subang Parade, Curve)
Help!Lemme know ya!
Ade siapa2 tau kat manee??? (Aside from Enspired @Subang Parade, Curve)
Help!Lemme know ya!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
2011 was Bandung. What's up 2012?!
2011 has left us 5 days ago. And now we are living in 2012. I look forward to a better year where I can do most of the things I've been planning. It will not just be me, but 2012 is going to be my year with my man. Yup! We're planning a few things for us to do this year, including to polish up his skill in photography and our love for food, travel and sight-seeing.....
You gotta do things you love to the fullest before its too late though :) Have a hobby. Don't just work, in and out the same thing everyday... Keep ourselves going!
So i think you're going to see a different side of us this year coz we're going to be a more adventurous couple. ehehhh!
Ok, i forgot to update about our trip to Bandung Indonesia in November last year. I'm proud to say that it was my first trip where I used my own money and paid for my dad's flight ticket. The feeling to be able to do that was amazing. I believed that was the starting point for me to start traveling...more places will be pinned after this.

Aside from that, It was my first holiday trip with my man too. I've never thought it could've happened but it did! My parents was so open minded that they let him came with's actually something i never thought of but it happened :) To have him with me throughout the 4days there were unbelievable. I was quite amazed that he survived staying in the same room with my dad n nephew. hehee..Proud of u darling!

Bandung was such a superb experienced. I LOVE BANDUNG. I LOVE BANDUNG'S FOOD. Me and food are new bestfriend (that's why i gained so much weight now). Minang food, Sunda food, Nasi Uduk, Soses, Baso, Indonesian traditional kueh...everything are so delicious and worth every Rupiah. Mom had fun, dad was too...of course coz my dad was an adventurous man. My sister is always my best company. We had the same interest. To have her around is such a bliss, everytime. Nephew was happy too. He's just lucky. At his age, he had travel to many places...Bandung was such a nice, cooling place. The people are kind and polite. Excited that I got to see the school kids in their uniform, Angkutan Kota, people selling food by the roadside, entertainer and many things about Bandung is pure awesome. Love love love...

Bandung was the only highlight in my 2011. Others was not really nice to me. So, hopefully 2012 will treat me better. I will make sure of that.... (keep in mind: Explore & Adventure with love)
Terbyk plak upload gba, tapi sebenarnye banyak lagi gba kat Bandung. Tak mampu nk upload semua. For u who's reading, enjoy k :D
Let's go 2012!
You gotta do things you love to the fullest before its too late though :) Have a hobby. Don't just work, in and out the same thing everyday... Keep ourselves going!
So i think you're going to see a different side of us this year coz we're going to be a more adventurous couple. ehehhh!
Ok, i forgot to update about our trip to Bandung Indonesia in November last year. I'm proud to say that it was my first trip where I used my own money and paid for my dad's flight ticket. The feeling to be able to do that was amazing. I believed that was the starting point for me to start traveling...more places will be pinned after this.

Terbyk plak upload gba, tapi sebenarnye banyak lagi gba kat Bandung. Tak mampu nk upload semua. For u who's reading, enjoy k :D
Let's go 2012!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Menaip & rezeki
AISHHH...Aku ni taaak rajin-rajin nak mengarang dalam blog ni. Teringat selalu jek,tapi nk sign in dan start tulis tu....haihh..malas bebenor.
Tapi, harini aku bukak jugak dan berjaya menaip utk bacaan kalian (lebih untuk diri sendiri sebenarnye), since aku tak de keje harini. Weh! Bagilah aku kje untuk dibuat weyh. Takkan aku nk g kat bos aku, kat senior aku tadah tnye ada keje untuk aku buat tak. Gile rase tak best cmtu...Geli juge. huhu. Dah 2 minggu aku releks meleks. Client yang aku handle pergi haji plak dan bulan Disember baru balik. Hah! Adakah aku kene tggu je sampai Disember. Itu melampau!... Takpe, harap2 esok ade kerje untuk aku handle.
Dalam aku menaip-naip ni tibe2 ade kawan aku si cantik manis ni datang menyapa. Suruh aku sign payment voucher. Yayyy! *Melonjak tapi punggung atas kerusi lagi* Macam paham-paham aku tgh sengkek. Alhamdulillah...rezeki Allah SWT....Tak lama lagi, kempen dah stat, korang boleh tgk lah muke I dekat dlm newspaper. Boleh plak jadi model iklan. Muke tak cantik pun tapi masih ade rezeki...hehehehee.
Ni lah yang dinamakan rezeki. Kita tak tahu bile dia akan menjelma. Macam apa yang aku lalui sekarang.
Yang menaip,
Tapi, harini aku bukak jugak dan berjaya menaip utk bacaan kalian (lebih untuk diri sendiri sebenarnye), since aku tak de keje harini. Weh! Bagilah aku kje untuk dibuat weyh. Takkan aku nk g kat bos aku, kat senior aku tadah tnye ada keje untuk aku buat tak. Gile rase tak best cmtu...Geli juge. huhu. Dah 2 minggu aku releks meleks. Client yang aku handle pergi haji plak dan bulan Disember baru balik. Hah! Adakah aku kene tggu je sampai Disember. Itu melampau!... Takpe, harap2 esok ade kerje untuk aku handle.
Dalam aku menaip-naip ni tibe2 ade kawan aku si cantik manis ni datang menyapa. Suruh aku sign payment voucher. Yayyy! *Melonjak tapi punggung atas kerusi lagi* Macam paham-paham aku tgh sengkek. Alhamdulillah...rezeki Allah SWT....Tak lama lagi, kempen dah stat, korang boleh tgk lah muke I dekat dlm newspaper. Boleh plak jadi model iklan. Muke tak cantik pun tapi masih ade rezeki...hehehehee.
Ni lah yang dinamakan rezeki. Kita tak tahu bile dia akan menjelma. Macam apa yang aku lalui sekarang.
Yang menaip,
Monday, July 11, 2011
*Jangan laaah lupe ucap ni hari-hari terhadap semua pembarian Allah S.W.T. kepada kita, hambaNya. Syukur sbb Allah S.W.T beri kita kehidupan hari ini.
*Jangan laaah lupe ucap ni hari-hari terhadap semua pembarian Allah S.W.T. kepada kita, hambaNya. Syukur sbb Allah S.W.T beri kita kehidupan hari ini.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Time to update...NEW AGENCY
I have tonnes of things to learn about the Client especially and the people in this Agency. I told my self quietly, "be careful and don't easily trust anybody".....
As per planned....I wish to settle down here for few years... Hopefully Allah bukakan pintu rezeki aku kat sini n berikah kepuasan dan kegembiraan bekerja di sini. InsyaAllah and Amin~
The AE,
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