Ni nak ceghite nih! Marah betol aku dgn orang perempuan yang patah hati, begaduh ngn mata air, pastu sampai buat cubaan membunuh diri. Ye. Suicide Attempt.
Bukan takat niat je.. Tapi mmg dah amek tindakan pun...dengan menelan 2 PAPAN PANADOL....Rasenyelah panadol..tapi mmg pil..haihhh haiihhhh...... Tak baik tu anak-anak. Sakit perut mak bapak...Pastu susahkan orang lain kene datang ward emergency, specifically ICU utk visit. Nasib baiklahhhhhh berangkai..maksudnye ade relationship. Lembut jugak hati ni nak pegi dan tnaye ape masalahnya dan nasihat seminimal mungkin.... Dah kua hospital nanti baru kene basuh cukup-cukup tu.
Berdosa besar orang yang berniat dan cuba mengambil nyawanya sendiri ni. MasyaAllah... Ingatlah Allah S.W.T. ingatlah mama, ayah, abang, kakak, adik-adik tu.... Lelaki tu tak yah nak dipikirkan. Buang saje............
Umur masih muda. Masih nak dimanjakan oleh mak ayah sebenarnya, tapi lupa... lupa sebab CINTA yang diri sendiri pun tak brapa paham kot nilainya. Tah bernilai ke tidak... Wallahualam.... Jangan ikutkan hati... Ada akal, fikirla baik-baik... Nangislah smpai keluar air mata darah skali pun tapi jgnlah buat bende-bende yang diri sendiri akan menyesal nanti, dan bila dah tua nanti mesti teringat semula tindakan yang bodoh itu... Akhirnya malu sendiri......
Bertenaaaaang. Zen!
Pandanglah seorang bayi, akan tenang hati tu...InsyaAllah...
=) ,
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Congratulations Girlfriend. You'll be officially PROPOSED!
Woww woww......I was smiling when last nite my girlfriend buzz me and said she's nervous about her merisik...and yeah..I'm still smiling while I'm writing this. =) At last my dear friend, u will be proposed girl!!!! How exciting . OFFICIALLY plak tuh! *huggies*.
Let me tell u about this very pretty friend of mine..We've known each other for about 7 years now. She's quite a weirdo and a cracko but in a fun kinda way. She's totally fun to be with, very outspoken when there's opportunity for her to become one and very very VERY EMOTIONAL girl. A guy who gets her heart, is very lucky i must say.
So dear friend, your new journey of life will start tomorrow. After the proposal ceremony , I know the next thing is you'll be busy preparing for the next phase of your life. Engagement and Marriage....
Wishing you all the best, Salawat banyak-banyak to ease your nerves, Don't forget to smile when "mom" put the ring on your finger, and rock it miss gorgeous!!!
May Allah bless your relationship....And my relationship as well (of course!).
Last but not least. CONGRATULATIONS AM!!!!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
LIFE and keF**Kannya
Life is tough....when you see it from that tough angle...and that's how I see it sometimes in my everyday life, as well as others.
Little kids, it's tough when they have to go to school early in the morning everyday and just realize that there's a homework that they forgot to do. Teacher's scolding, kick 'em out of the class......
Teenagers, it's tough when they have to go out of their classroom and try to work with or socialize with others especially the elders.
And for working adults, it's tough when you are holding a responsibility in all kinds of ways. Job, Client, bosses, boyfriend, husband, children, parents.
(Yes, i let that out eventually).
But, PAUSE.....
Come to think about it, it's all for our own good. It's a growing process. From little, you have to be a good student so that you will be intelligent and know how to live your life successfully. Then as you grow, you MUST know learn how to approach people in a good way, be comfortable and mingle with others, from all different walks of life. As you grow older..........YOUR FUN time might be limited but, you are mature enough to manage everything by yourself and you just have to keep on 'maturing' yourself FAST.
It is complicated..To be a successful individual, that's how life is. You just have to keep learning, digest what you learn very fast and then you control and manage things by yourself. Then only you'll get paid. And the way yo control and manage it must be very smooth. If it's jagged, you'll get F**K but.... that's a learning phase as well. Be prepared to get F**K. You must be strong emotionally, mentally and physically.
(Yes, i let that out eventually).
But, PAUSE.....
Come to think about it, it's all for our own good. It's a growing process. From little, you have to be a good student so that you will be intelligent and know how to live your life successfully. Then as you grow, you MUST know learn how to approach people in a good way, be comfortable and mingle with others, from all different walks of life. As you grow older..........YOUR FUN time might be limited but, you are mature enough to manage everything by yourself and you just have to keep on 'maturing' yourself FAST.
It is complicated..To be a successful individual, that's how life is. You just have to keep learning, digest what you learn very fast and then you control and manage things by yourself. Then only you'll get paid. And the way yo control and manage it must be very smooth. If it's jagged, you'll get F**K but.... that's a learning phase as well. Be prepared to get F**K. You must be strong emotionally, mentally and physically.
The Account Exec,
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