Monday, June 29, 2009


We r sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo NOT! haha! Guess wut happened to us today?
Cookies got a call from this number, 0301 at 3 pm today and a man with a voice sounded like a mamak or Indian spoke in Malay to Cookies.

And the conversation goes...

Man: Hello, Saya telefon dari Celcom Customer Service Centre.

Cookies: Ye...

Man: Saya dari Celcom Customer Service ingin mengucapkan Tahniah ye kepada Cik kerana telah memenangi 5 ribu ringgit ye.

Cookies: Ye?.... (curious and thinking that she might hear a wrong thing as the line was not very clear)

Man: Ye. Semalam Celcom telah membuat cabutan sempena Ulang Tahun Celcom, dan nombor anda telah memenangi tempat ke-3 ye dalam cabutan itu. Anda telah memenangi 5ribu ringgit.

Cookies: Huh?! emm...Macam mane saye nak tahu panggilan ni betol dari Celcom?

Man: Saye dari Celcom Customer Service Centre ye. (for God sake! how many times do u wannna repeat the same thing damn man?!isshh!! Curousity is getting more and more). Kami ingin bank-in kan wang yang nda telah menang petang ini juge. Cik ade bank akaun? Sila berikan nombor akaun Cik ye jika ada.

Cookies: Tapi Saya takut tak betol.Saya tak percaya lah.

'Pap! Tooot...Toot..Toot...end'

The bloody man cut off the conversation when Cookies told him that i dont trust on it.

Then Cookies send a SMS to Strawberry and told him about the mysterious call. Guess what? Strawberry got the same "Winning bloody call" as well. So, we figured out that the man calls out random numbers in his data collection as Strawberry and Cookies number are almost similar. Strawberry last 3 digits is 779, while Cookies last 3 digits are 780.

Strawberry told Cookies what he said to the man while he called him. Strawberry curse the man all through the conversation as he feels that the man was trying to make a false call. (See the diff how girls and guys handle a situation?...Girls, polite and guys, curse) hahaha!

So, to u who read this, do not trust on this kinda false call easily. They might rob all your money from your bank account in a blink of an eye. We might not know how they can do it but they can! So, BEWARE and don't trust strangers easily.

To Celcom, please send more message to your customers to remind them and beware of this false calls coz some people might get excited and do not realise they are being rob by those bloody false caller. Especially those Mak Cik that sometimes got really excited when they hear that their number had been chosen as one of a winner to win thousands of Ringgit. (Easy money maaah..)

The day you thought is ur lucky day may be your worst damn day.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Picture Perfect

Here we wanna share with u what we did yesssterrday. Good food, good books and good us.

*Our Mini Picnic food*

* "Laberinth" *

*One of Strawberry's fave piece was found yesterday!*

*Subway at Subway*

*EH! July*

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Si Boosuk Menjenguk

Sekarang dah pukul 10:48 p.m. StrawberryCookies baru pulang dari KLCC.
What a day..Hari yg paling lewat kitorng keluar berdating sebab dua2 pun bgn lewat hari ni.
Cookies tersedar dari lena yang dibuai bemacam-macam mimpi (korang takkan percaya mimpi yang aku alami....rahsia.tettt!), dan sedar-sedar, tgk jam di handphone dah pukul 2:20p.m. "Huh! Lambatnye bagun!"...kata Cookies dalam hati. Terus jari jemari ni menaip sms dan 'SEND' kepada Strawberry ku. Die dah bangun awal dari aku rupanya. So, plan punye plan, pukul 3:40 p.m aku dah siap dengan gaya yang paling cemerlang untuk hari ni! Baju baru dan sepatu baru. Yezzzaaa!!! Macam model aku jalan pegi tunggu cab. hehe.. Pukul 4 aku dah tepacak kat LRT KJ tunggu Strawberry yang masih menunggu bas kat Subang Parade. "Haiyyaaa!! Susahnye tak de transpot sendiri ni"...itulah keluh kesah aku hampir setiap hari. Mungkin orang lain tak perasan perasaan orang yang tak de transpot sendiri ni, tapi aku kentalkan je semangat setiap kali aku nak ke mana-mana, aku terpaksa naik public transpot....Strawberry pun same.kan?(Aku tak nak mengeluh pasal ni kat post ni, sebab nanti aku akan buat satu post khas untuk mengeluh masalah aku tak de transpot ni).

Sambil menunggu, Cookies pun memerhati orang sekeliling. Lama jugak Cookies berdiri kat rail besi tu sebab kat tangga tempat duduk tu dah ade ah beng ni duduk dan menunggu seseorang lebih lama dari Cookies. Kakak kat kedai Digi tu pulak asik tengok ke arah Cookies je. Mesti dalam kepala dia " lame betol pompuan ni diri".. Cookies pun buat nampak tak nampak je ke arah dia. Pastu ada abang bulu yang saaangat banyak bulu lalu depan Cookies. Perrgghh...dah lah pakai V-Neck, warna kuning menyala pulak tu. Dada lebat berbulu sampai mencengah terkeluar dari V-Neck nye. Kat tangan, bulunya tak yah cerita lah. hahahahaa!!! Dalam kepala Cookies, kelakar lah abang bulu ni. Bajet seksi and romeo lah tu. Tp nak buat macam mana,dah memang kaum banyak bulu..Dan, dalam ramai-ramai manusia tu, ada juga yang pakai mask sebagai langkah untuk mengelakkan diri dari dijangkiti H1N1. Ramai nya wanita-wanita berbagsa Cina yang mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga ni. Nisbah yang dapat Cookies perhatikan adalah seperti ini. Cina : Melayu : India, 10 : 2 : 0. Cookies pun tertanya, " should I wear a mask too?"hmmm....

*Should I wear? Should we all wear?*

So, jam 4:30 baru Strawberry sampai di Stesen LRT KJ dan dengan muke masam sikit, aku pun terus bejalan ke kaunter tiket dan Strawberry membelikan tiket LRT aku skali.

Sampai di KLCC, kami mengharungi lah orang ramai dalam KLCC tu. "Ni dah macam kat Jalan Masjid India", kata Cookies kepada Strawberry. Kitorang pun terus masuk ke Cold Storage dan beli makanan untuk kitorang buat mini picnic kat Park KLCC. Alhamdulilla, nasib baik hari tak hujan walaupun cuaca amatlah mendung dan ada titis-titis halus hujan yang menitik pada tangan ni.

Lepas dah kenyang makan, StrawberryCookies berehat sambil memerhatikan pelbagai jenis manusia yang ade kat Park tu. Ade geng Bangla, ada couple Mat Salleh yang dah berumur, ada geng-geng Mat Rempit yang berkaca hitam ala Mat Rempit, ada perempuan Cina yang berdiri sambil berposing membelakangi fountain sambil boyfriendnye mengambilkan gambarnya, ada couple anak-anak muda Melayu, bertudung, bersleeveless, berskirt, berjeans, berrebonding, berperm dan bermacam-macam lagi. Ada juga keluarga yang suaminya menolak stroller anak dan sang isterinya mengawal lagi 3 orang anaknye sambil memimpin tangan masin-masing dan berborak-borak. "Ni lah aktiviti hujung minggu kat sini", kata Cookies kepada Strawberry.

Lepas dah cukup berehat, StrawberryCookies pun masuk ke KLCC dan terus ke Kinokuniya. Time-time ramai orang ni, port yang paling tenang kat KLCC tu hanyalah Kinokuniya. Lagipun Mr. Strawberry nak pergi tengok buku Art untuk buat research Mural yang bakal dibuatnya nanti (tungguuuu...). Banyak jugak buku-buku yang menarik dan Design yang style gile kitorang jumpe hari ni. So, maybe Strawberry dapat lah idea untuk muralnya nanti. Dalam Cookies membelek-belek buku di situ, terpegang satu buku Advertising ni. Advertising Concept Book by Pete Barry. So, itu adalah buku yang Cookies aim sekarang dan bakal beli nanti lepas dapat duit dari ehem ehem...Tak sabar rasenye nak dapat buku tu. =D Akhirnya, StrawberryCookies meninggalakan Kinokuniya dengan membeli majalah EH! edisi Julai. Ada tajuk yang menarik perhatian kami dalam edisi ni yang boleh diperdebatkan. ( *Clue: Hal berkaitan lelaki).Hurmmm...menarik.

* Cover of The Advertising Concept Book by Pete Barry*

Dah pukul 8 p.m., StrawberryCookies pun plan untuk pulang. Tapi, sebelum pulang kitorang isi perut dulu di Subway. Bolehlah untuk isi perut...

Dah pukul 8:45p.m, StrawberryCookies pun pulang menaiki Putra LRT ke KJ...Dalam LRT pula, kami bergosip lagi tentang sekumpulan ah-moi cantik yang naik dari stesen Dang Wangi. Hmmm...Seksi sehingga short jeans yang terlalu shortnye menampakkan pehanye sehingga hampir ke punggungnye. Nasib baik cantik, putih dan bergaya u, so takpelah, dimaafkan.hehee..Sedar tak sedar, StrawberryCookies pun tiba di destinasi. "Ting tong, next station, Kelana Jaya. Stesen berikutnya, Kelana Jaya".

Itulah ceritera untuk hari ini. Macam-macam orang yang StrawberryCookies jumpa dalam masa lebih kurang 5 jam keluar dari rumah. The colourful world of us in Malaysia. Itulah Cream untuk StrawberryCookies!


Friday, June 26, 2009

MJ R.I.P 25th June 2009

Cookies most favourite MJ's track of all time.

You are not alone...

This is What We Aim FOr

For Him

For Her

* On Birthday maybe ;) *

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Eat after Maghrib

Cookies is fasting today. Another 5 days to go to finish them before Ramadhan comes.
StrawberryCookies set a date to meet at KJ n teman each other to break fast after Strawberry finish class today. We ate at Mee Kaww next to Giant Mall. Menu : Tomyam Campur, Paprik Campur, Telur Bistik, Watermellon Juice, Orange Juice and Sirap Bandung Cincau. Hehe... Sedapp !!...sedap until we need a bed after a full dinner. (Wishing that the restaurant provide a bed next to each table). As usual, Mr Strawberry "beb, mintak tambah sepinggan nasi!"..hehe...i can say, he's really healthy than we first met 2 to 3 years ago..hehe.. Eating together is always delicious. tak penah nye tak..kan?

Then, we go to Giant for a while to change Baby Nyel's Crocs inspired at a stall but too bad, stok saiz besa ckit blom smpai. Have to come again next week! Ok..anything for u Nyenyel..

After we have no idea where to go n with the feelings of, "alaaa....kejapnye jumpe, tak nak balik lagi..." i decided to go to where we are now, Old Town White Coffee, next to Giant too (KJ have everything i must say..wee~), to have a drink and wifi. We didn't do anything else except for talking n updating this blog while sharing our Lemon Honey Juice. chill!

So. it's already, 9:55p.m.. n i think we need to go home. The bulb above is toasting us rite now and more people are coming here at this hour, meeting friends n online. So, Strawberry to USJ n Cookies to SS5. hehe.. TIll we meet again...

oh! we really wish that we could put up pics of us now but, the webcam is temporary not available. Next time!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

First page

There is always a first page when we first start writing. And here I am, writing StrawberryCookies'n'Cream for the first time. Something trigger me at this hour ( my pink baby clock says it's 4:49 a.m) to start blogging. My 'oh so way back' intention at last start jugak kan...
COngrats to me!!

So, i'm not going to bla bla much here, just a cheerful warm welcome to u readers.

May this blog will be a wonderful story blog book for me(cookies), him (strawberry) and u (cream). Oh ya, maybe this blog will have both StrawberryCookies writing together to express what words can't say.

So, SURPRISE b!!! n HYE everyone!

Let's begin...