So... this is what i did during my recovering moment. Browse my new obsession, the Lookbook and figure out what i must steal next from blogshops and real shops. I should call them, My Next Best Thing For My Wardrobe. Here goes the list (whch means, the money).

I'm longing for it for as long as I can remember since i put it on my head in Topshop but have no pennies in my pocket. I'm gonna have it!
I should say, this is to complete my Vintage wardrobe. It's just the "in" t's now.

I found one in a blogshop. Gonna order it. I prefer the simple black blazer because i am not a biker jacket kinda girl. ;) It's hot here right?

I used to hate this thing before for some reason but i am falling deeply in love with it now. It can fit in with my vintage rock sexy feminine style. hahaha! yadaaa~ Sometimes, i just don't even understand myself.

5. Wash out Skinny
I found this in a blogshop too but i don't now whether i can fit it or not. So, still seaching or the best one for myself. I wish i am a DIY person!
I found this in a blogshop too but i don't now whether i can fit it or not. So, still seaching or the best one for myself. I wish i am a DIY person!
So, there goes my top-to-toe list for now. oh, no toe, because no shoes in this shopping lst. Shoes next time ok.. I hope i can follow this shopping list so that i won't go out and purchase things that I don't need. *That always happened. erk!*
P/S: I accept items above in a form of gifts or present too! My birthday is just around he corner! =D
P/S: I accept items above in a form of gifts or present too! My birthday is just around he corner! =D
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