It's been too long since the last time i wrote things in this blog. I felt trully sorry for my abandoned baby here but i'm back for good.... I hope.
Lot's of things happened in the past (which is since the last itme I wrote). So, let's refresh in brief.
24th October
Woah Hijau! Start Small For A Big Change Event went soo great. Check it out here. After all the big challenges i went through, Alhamdulillah I made it good with my team. Experience of making it sucessful is ver damn precious. Thanks a lot to my family for supporting me all the way. U r my heart and soul.
31st October
1st paper of our final exam starts, which was Sales Promotion paper.
14th November
Last exam paper that i sat for in UiTM which is Advertising Ethics. Damn, I am free as a bird!
23rd November
Sign up for my Driving Class!!!! At last! Thank u mama =)
29th November
Wen't to a holiday in Melaka with Konah's family. A sister's getaway...including her hubby and son la..
4th December
Sat for Computer test and i passed!! Yippee Yayy!!
5th December
Attend my practical class and i got to drive for the first time in the track area! Engine was dead once!
11th December
Had an alone trip to Melaka to do some business but was shifted to another business which was....went to Tehel and meet with Strawberry's family!!!! Had a great few hours with them. They were sooooo welcoming. I love it!
On the same day,at 5:30 p.m i was told that i didn't get to do my intern in NSTP as Miss Margaret hunney said there was no space available. Thank u soooo much for the last minute confirmation darling!!!! I really love it in term of hateness actually!
13th December
Got the news from FB that my high school senior's mom passed away. My biggest condolence goes to her and her family. May her mom rest in peace and rohnye diberkati Allah... Alfatihah...
So...that's the dates that i can remember. other than tat, it's enjoying and lepaking with my friends, my boyfriend, my nephew and my family. =)
Tummy is getting hungry here. Got to check out what's there for me to grab before i go to sleep coz tomorrow i have to wake up early to send my exam reslut to my driving teacher. She's going to do my 'L'. yEAYY!!!Class will start anytime next week.
P/S: Pray for me that i will get a better place to do my intern by this coming week. Had been sending e-mails and resume to agencies. I'm looking forward for a very good positive response.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Thank God I Found You.
Today, i would like to Thanks a Friend with a million thanks and a million hugs from the deepest part of my heart.
1)Thanks for the drink...
2)Thanks for your time riding in the rain..........
3) Thanks for the ubat batuk...
4) Thanks for the ponston...
5) Thanks for the supportive thoughts...
6) Thanks for understanding my situation very well...
7) Thanks for keeping me up awake to do assignments...
8)Thanks for sharing your stories with me...
Just to let you know, that i m really glad and thankful for everything between us.
Today, i would like to Thanks a Friend with a million thanks and a million hugs from the deepest part of my heart.
1)Thanks for the drink...
2)Thanks for your time riding in the rain..........
3) Thanks for the ubat batuk...
4) Thanks for the ponston...
5) Thanks for the supportive thoughts...
6) Thanks for understanding my situation very well...
7) Thanks for keeping me up awake to do assignments...
8)Thanks for sharing your stories with me...
Just to let you know, that i m really glad and thankful for everything between us.
Monday, September 21, 2009
...tak macam raya Cookies. Tahun ni raye kat KJ bosan lah..Mama and Papa mcm tak de nak gerak pegi mane2 je. Tak depun nak ajak pegi beraya rumah sesiape. So, Cookies pun dok je lah rumah. Tgk TV rancangan raya. Lepas satu rancangan habis, sambung rancangan TV len kat channel len pulak. Pastu bosan lagi, makan pulak. Makan nasi impit, kuah kacang, kuah lodeh, rendang daging, ketupat palas, kuih raya dan kerepek rumah sendiri.. Raya tahun ni tak berapa rancak. Persiapan raya pun ala-ala manje je sebab Cookies tinggal sorang. Slalu buat dgn Kak Lang. Tapi tahun ni, Kak Lang dah berlaki. Awal2 dah balik Besut. Beraye sakan die kat sane sampai raye ke-5. Seminggu jugaklah die kat sane. Bosan aku sorang-sorang kat sini. Ye lah, sebab selama ni die ade. Kalau bosan pun ajak die g shopping complex, tgk wayang ke. Layan TV sesame ke....huhuu...sedih pulak. Nasib bek lah Konah and the family ade mase raye pertama tu. Kuranglah bosan ckit melayan si Nenyel. Kak Long plak beraye kat Ipoh. Petang ni jap lagi baru die lek KJ. Ni tgh tunggu die.
Humm...Tu Cookies punye cite raye yg bosan..
Ni crite Strawberry plak...
Si Strawberry beraye sakan kat kampung. 3 hari sebelum raya Strawberry dah balik Kampung Tehel kat Melaka. Sehari sebelum raya, die pergi bershopping ngn adek beradik die kat DP. Berbelanja sakan. (Jealous ok!) huhu...carik kasutnye yang tak jumpe kat KL, last2 beli kat DP. Lengkaplah die bli persiapan raya dengan adik-adik dia kat Melaka. Dah kat sini, Cookies tak sempat nak teman die bershopping sebab Cookies bz sgt dengan assignment sebelum cuti raya aritu, so die pun balas dendam lah dengan bershopping sakan kat Melaka.
1st day of Raya, sakan jugak family Strawberry beraya kat sane. Family dia ramai, so, seronoklah bile sampai time raya. Sampai 13 buah rumah derang pergi berkunjung masa 1st raya...TIGA BELAS BEB! Waduhhh...Grrand banget! Bandingkan dengan Cookies yg kat KJ ni, dok rumah je. 13 marathon drama raya adalah...huhuu..Berbeza..memang berbeza raya di kampung dengan raya di bandar. Bile lah lagi Cookies akan rase raya kat kampung balik dengan family ramai-ramai berkumpul macam 10 tahun yang lalu...Sedih jer...
So, sekarang dah raya ke-3. Strawberry pun dah pulang ke Batu Pahat semalam. Harini family die akan gerak ke Benut pulak utk beraya dengan family sebelah mamanye.T api tahun ni, ade tambah something yang special sikit. nak tau ape.....

Strawberry naik Mok balik Benut!!! Mok dah siap...huiyyoo!!! Hensem tak??hehe...Cookies cakap ini hensem. i terpikat.hehe... Ni lah hasilnye lepas berapatahun kumpul duit dan berusaha utk membaiki Mok, akhirnye siap jugak dan sihat lagi cergas!. Alhamdulillah....
Ni lah specialtynye raya Strawberry tahun ni. Mesti die happy sangat-sangat. Rezeki bulan Ramadhan haritu dan bulan Syawal..Alhamdulillah.....
Ini pun rzeki die jugak. Nak dari dulu, walaupun tak dpt exactly yang mcm die nak. Tapi, kire ok lah tu!hehe..
Tu je lah crite Hari Raya Aidilfitri babak pertama ni. Ni gambar-gambar Strawberry je. Gambar Raya Cookies yang tak brape grand tak de lagi.
Akhir sekali, SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI, MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN Cookies ucapkan kepada semua terutama kepada pembaca yang sedang membaca blog ini.
Semoga Raya korang semua lebih gembira dari Raya Cookies. Amin~
Dengan Ingatan Tulus Ikhlas,
Maaf Zahir dan Batin dari,
...tak macam raya Cookies. Tahun ni raye kat KJ bosan lah..Mama and Papa mcm tak de nak gerak pegi mane2 je. Tak depun nak ajak pegi beraya rumah sesiape. So, Cookies pun dok je lah rumah. Tgk TV rancangan raya. Lepas satu rancangan habis, sambung rancangan TV len kat channel len pulak. Pastu bosan lagi, makan pulak. Makan nasi impit, kuah kacang, kuah lodeh, rendang daging, ketupat palas, kuih raya dan kerepek rumah sendiri.. Raya tahun ni tak berapa rancak. Persiapan raya pun ala-ala manje je sebab Cookies tinggal sorang. Slalu buat dgn Kak Lang. Tapi tahun ni, Kak Lang dah berlaki. Awal2 dah balik Besut. Beraye sakan die kat sane sampai raye ke-5. Seminggu jugaklah die kat sane. Bosan aku sorang-sorang kat sini. Ye lah, sebab selama ni die ade. Kalau bosan pun ajak die g shopping complex, tgk wayang ke. Layan TV sesame ke....huhuu...sedih pulak. Nasib bek lah Konah and the family ade mase raye pertama tu. Kuranglah bosan ckit melayan si Nenyel. Kak Long plak beraye kat Ipoh. Petang ni jap lagi baru die lek KJ. Ni tgh tunggu die.
Humm...Tu Cookies punye cite raye yg bosan..
Ni crite Strawberry plak...
Si Strawberry beraye sakan kat kampung. 3 hari sebelum raya Strawberry dah balik Kampung Tehel kat Melaka. Sehari sebelum raya, die pergi bershopping ngn adek beradik die kat DP. Berbelanja sakan. (Jealous ok!) huhu...carik kasutnye yang tak jumpe kat KL, last2 beli kat DP. Lengkaplah die bli persiapan raya dengan adik-adik dia kat Melaka. Dah kat sini, Cookies tak sempat nak teman die bershopping sebab Cookies bz sgt dengan assignment sebelum cuti raya aritu, so die pun balas dendam lah dengan bershopping sakan kat Melaka.
1st day of Raya, sakan jugak family Strawberry beraya kat sane. Family dia ramai, so, seronoklah bile sampai time raya. Sampai 13 buah rumah derang pergi berkunjung masa 1st raya...TIGA BELAS BEB! Waduhhh...Grrand banget! Bandingkan dengan Cookies yg kat KJ ni, dok rumah je. 13 marathon drama raya adalah...huhuu..Berbeza..memang berbeza raya di kampung dengan raya di bandar. Bile lah lagi Cookies akan rase raya kat kampung balik dengan family ramai-ramai berkumpul macam 10 tahun yang lalu...Sedih jer...
So, sekarang dah raya ke-3. Strawberry pun dah pulang ke Batu Pahat semalam. Harini family die akan gerak ke Benut pulak utk beraya dengan family sebelah mamanye.T api tahun ni, ade tambah something yang special sikit. nak tau ape.....
Jeng Jeng Jeng!!!!!

Strawberry naik Mok balik Benut!!! Mok dah siap...huiyyoo!!! Hensem tak??hehe...Cookies cakap ini hensem. i terpikat.hehe... Ni lah hasilnye lepas berapatahun kumpul duit dan berusaha utk membaiki Mok, akhirnye siap jugak dan sihat lagi cergas!. Alhamdulillah....
Ni lah specialtynye raya Strawberry tahun ni. Mesti die happy sangat-sangat. Rezeki bulan Ramadhan haritu dan bulan Syawal..Alhamdulillah.....
Termasuklah ini....
Ini pun rzeki die jugak. Nak dari dulu, walaupun tak dpt exactly yang mcm die nak. Tapi, kire ok lah tu!hehe..
Tu je lah crite Hari Raya Aidilfitri babak pertama ni. Ni gambar-gambar Strawberry je. Gambar Raya Cookies yang tak brape grand tak de lagi.
Akhir sekali, SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI, MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN Cookies ucapkan kepada semua terutama kepada pembaca yang sedang membaca blog ini.
Semoga Raya korang semua lebih gembira dari Raya Cookies. Amin~
Dengan Ingatan Tulus Ikhlas,
Maaf Zahir dan Batin dari,
Monday, September 14, 2009
27 Things
1. The phone rings; who do you want it to be?
An artist
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
yup, to get back my 20c.
3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?
I can be both.
4. Do you take compliments well?
Not really, i'm too polite. When people gives compliment, i'll slow down by saying, eh, xdelah..biase je. Well, maybe i shud change the way of accepting compliment from now.
5. Do you play Sudoku?
No. Very bad at it.
6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive?
7. Do you like to ride horses?
Maybe i will.
8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
Nope. It's the parents thing.
9. What was your favorite game as a kid?
Batu seremban!
10. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, would you go for it?
YES for a few minutes than it would be NO.
11. Have you lied to get out of a date?
Yes. (Depends on what kind of date. Haha!)
12. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?
No, mom does not approve.
13. Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
To pursue.
14. Use three words to describe yourself?
Soft, Polite, Outgoing
15. Do any songs make you cry?
An OAG song in SateliteInk
16. Are you continuing your education?
Yup currently.
17. Do you know how to shoot a gun?
No. Even in arcade games, i'm so bad in shooting.
18. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed?
My handphone.
19. How often do you read books?
So not often.
20. Do you think more about the past, present or future?
Past and future of course.
21. What is your favorite children's book?
My nursery rhymes book.
22. What color are your eyes?
Dark brown
23. How tall are you?
157 cm.
24. Where is your dream house located?
Beverly Hills
25. Do you have a secret fetish?
Yes. hehe..
26. Have you tried sushi?
Yes i have.
27. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?
Yup and it's a fun-ny thing.
An artist
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
yup, to get back my 20c.
3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?
I can be both.
4. Do you take compliments well?
Not really, i'm too polite. When people gives compliment, i'll slow down by saying, eh, xdelah..biase je. Well, maybe i shud change the way of accepting compliment from now.
5. Do you play Sudoku?
No. Very bad at it.
6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive?
7. Do you like to ride horses?
Maybe i will.
8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
Nope. It's the parents thing.
9. What was your favorite game as a kid?
Batu seremban!
10. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, would you go for it?
YES for a few minutes than it would be NO.
11. Have you lied to get out of a date?
Yes. (Depends on what kind of date. Haha!)
12. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?
No, mom does not approve.
13. Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
To pursue.
14. Use three words to describe yourself?
Soft, Polite, Outgoing
15. Do any songs make you cry?
An OAG song in SateliteInk
16. Are you continuing your education?
Yup currently.
17. Do you know how to shoot a gun?
No. Even in arcade games, i'm so bad in shooting.
18. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed?
My handphone.
19. How often do you read books?
So not often.
20. Do you think more about the past, present or future?
Past and future of course.
21. What is your favorite children's book?
My nursery rhymes book.
22. What color are your eyes?
Dark brown
23. How tall are you?
157 cm.
24. Where is your dream house located?
Beverly Hills
25. Do you have a secret fetish?
Yes. hehe..
26. Have you tried sushi?
Yes i have.
27. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?
Yup and it's a fun-ny thing.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Luahan Hati Seorang PM
Aku menghadapi masa yang sukar sekarang ni. Aku mengaku ia sgt sukar tapi yang penting, aku faham situasi aku dah aku tahu siapa aku. Aku ni manusia biasa. Aku tak boleh buat semua bende jadi perfect dan satisfiedkan semua orang.
Ceritanya macam ni. Aku telah dilantik untuk menjadi Project Manager untuk subject Sales Promotion Management. Task kami sekelas adalah untuk membuat event dan buat A&P untuk event tu. So, dari plan pertama kitorang nak buat GO-Green Campaign, akhirnya plan tu dibatalkan atas sebab tertentu. Jadi, kami ke Plan B, iaitu berkerjasam dengan sebuah organisation untuk menjayakan event orgnisation berkenaan.
So, without hesitation, aku contact my own sister who is a PR in an event company, Caberawet. Aku pun mintak die satu event yang aku dan kawan-kawan sekelas boleh handle. I approach my own sis professionally. Even though she is my own sister, bab-bab kerja, aku mesti selalu deal dgn dia in a professional way. She is the client and i am the employee although she is my sister.
So, seminggu selepas aku mintak pertolongan die, akhirnya die setuju untuk bagi kami handle a Go-Green Campaign for one of Caberawet's subsidiary company iaitu, SMET. Kiranya, SMET ada share dalam Caberawet. SMET adalah company engineering. Biggest client SMET adalah TNB. SMET company deal with engineering and electrical sebenarnye. So, Caberawet punya idea untuk SMET adalah, buat GO-Green event di mana objektifnya adalah untuk menjadikan SMET, company engineering and electrical yang pertama di Malaysia untuk membuat kempen alam sekitar atau Go-Green.
2 meeting aku dah pegi untuk berjumpa client iaitu Caberawet, untuk mengetahui apa yang mereka nak dari event ni. So, apa yang Caberawet nak is, a short but effective event which can attract media to do coverage and public to attend the event. Target Audience: Kids and Yougsters. The most important part in this event is the Media Attraction. What's with Media Attraction?? The answer is, GIMMICK. Yes! Caberawet mahukan gimmick yang lain daripada yang lain dan jadi main attraction utk event ni. Gimmick tu hanya makan masa beberapa minit iaitu 15 minutes out of that 4 hours event. Kami juga diberi budget terbesar dari Caberawet sehingga menyebabkan kucar-kacir di antara team aku iaitu, zero budget. 0. KOSONG YE.
Maknanye kami kene produce A&P dari zero budget yang kami dapat ni. So, disinilah sponsorship dan pengorbanan kami sendiri diperlukan. Pengorbanan tu yang susah nak dapat. Ada team members aku yang tak nak keluarkan duit untuk assignment sendiri. Payah! is the real problem yang membingitkan kepala aku. Sebagai Project Manager, ia adalah tugas aku untuk manage team aku dan manage schedule sepanjang proses perancangan event ni. Memang itu lah fokus aku sampai ke saat ni. Tapi, masalah mula timbul. Team aku ada 23 orang. Tapi, dalam 23 org, tak semua yang boleh diharapkan untuk membuat kerja. Jangan kate buat kerja, nak mintak cooperation and involvement during meeting pun susah.
As a PM, aku dah inform awal-awal dah pasal meeting hari sabtu, di fac. Tapi, at last, macam-macam perangai soldier aku buat. Ada yang tak bangun tidur. Ada yang dah balik rumah bercuti. Ada yang kata tak dpt message (padahal aku dah mintak jasa baik semua untuk forwardkan message). So, nampak sgt tak de siapa yang bertindak lepas dapat message aku. Hanya baca dan tutup...Nak mintak tolong forward pun susah. Aku tak de phone number semua orang, tu sebab aku mintak tolong forwardkan. Kalau aku ade number semua, aku tak mintak tolong. Tapi kenapa tak tolong?? Lpas tu, nak bertalu-talu message aku cakap tak tau ade meeting, tak dapat message lah, u lah, ni lah. Oh My God!!! Tak de sorang pun yang forwardkan ke? Kenapa tak tolong saya??huhuu...
Lepas tu, lain pulak ceritanya. Pasal orang yang tak datang meeting. Kenapa tak nak co-operate and spent some time to come for a meeting? Ni nak kena aku pulak cerita banyak-banayak kali bende yang same disebabkan kau tak dtg meeting. Bukan aku ta boleh cerita, boleh.cuma..paham-pahamlah, bila time meeting aku dah bg tau clearly semua bende. Tapi bila orang yang tak dtg meeting tu, suruh aku cerita balik, sometimes ade bende yang aku terleft out. So, miscommunication might happen. Kat situlah, ada orang ni cakap, tu salah aku. "Sepatutnya sebagai PM, kau tak boleh bg tau atau brief kat 8 orang yang dtg meeting tu je weh pasal event tu. Ko kene gatherkan semua budak klas and bg tau skali gus", sedap betul menegur aku. Macam bertih jagung kata-katanya keluar. Masalahnye....tu lah purpose meeting yang aku arrange, tapi korang tak nak dtg. Alasan org tu, hari cuti, siapa nak dtg meeting....... So, kenapa mempertikaikan apa yang aku buat and apa yang aku arrangekn? Oh My God! ini untuk assignment kite semua kot. Lantaklah cuti ke ape, itu assignment! Itu markah ok!... Pandai pulak cakap, kalau tak buat betol-betol nanti effect markah, tapi org yang bercakap tu sendiri yang tak amek kesah. Sedihnya macam ni.... Disebabkan orang yang bercakap, menegur aku tu sendiri yang tak participate, die tego apa yang aku buat pulak slah..Kenapa macam tu? Aku rase tak adil. Aku dah jalankan tugas, aku dah tolong, tapi korang tak nak co-operate. Mana perginya kesedaran diri masing-masing ni? Kornag dah nak habis blajar lah. Nak practical, nak keje dah pun. Kalau perangai macam ni, macam mana bila dah kerja nanti? huhhhh...
Tolonglah jgn buat aku mcm ni. Aku mengaku, aku bukan lah a good leader. Tapi aku belajar untuk menjadi lebih baik setiap hari. Aku halang diri aku untuk menjadi seorang yang ego dan perasan bagus. Sebab aku bukan jenis macam tu bila aku kene bekerja dalam team. Aku masih memerlukan tulang belakang yang sentiasa supportive, bekerjasama, dan tak kalut. (Sebab, ada yang kalut, bile sorang tgh bercakap, dia pun nak bercakap. Last2, tak de siapa yang mampu dengar. Sabar ye dik, bia akak tu habis cakap dulu, pastu adik cakaplah. Jangan nak mencelah).
Haihh.... itulah luahan hati yang mampu aku taip harini. Tadi aku dh menangis sekejap lepas diri aku dikritik dalam fon dan aku rasa sangat tak adil. Tapi itu pandangan orang, soldier aku. Aku dengar dan aku terima. Hati aku terluka sikit, tu sebab menangis. Kalau aku potes habi-habisan apa yang dia cakap, nanti die kate aku ni bajet hebat pulak...Tapi, aku kuat dan aku ni tak cepat putus semangat orangnya. Family aku sendiri cakap begitu. Syukur aku bukan jeis orang macam tu. Kalau aku begitu, aku takkan berdiri di tempat yang aku berdiri sekarang ni. kan? There is a huge part in myself where determination lives and will live forever. (I learn that since childhood in Assunta)
PM yang sedang dikritik oleh soldiernya,
Aku menghadapi masa yang sukar sekarang ni. Aku mengaku ia sgt sukar tapi yang penting, aku faham situasi aku dah aku tahu siapa aku. Aku ni manusia biasa. Aku tak boleh buat semua bende jadi perfect dan satisfiedkan semua orang.
Ceritanya macam ni. Aku telah dilantik untuk menjadi Project Manager untuk subject Sales Promotion Management. Task kami sekelas adalah untuk membuat event dan buat A&P untuk event tu. So, dari plan pertama kitorang nak buat GO-Green Campaign, akhirnya plan tu dibatalkan atas sebab tertentu. Jadi, kami ke Plan B, iaitu berkerjasam dengan sebuah organisation untuk menjayakan event orgnisation berkenaan.
So, without hesitation, aku contact my own sister who is a PR in an event company, Caberawet. Aku pun mintak die satu event yang aku dan kawan-kawan sekelas boleh handle. I approach my own sis professionally. Even though she is my own sister, bab-bab kerja, aku mesti selalu deal dgn dia in a professional way. She is the client and i am the employee although she is my sister.
So, seminggu selepas aku mintak pertolongan die, akhirnya die setuju untuk bagi kami handle a Go-Green Campaign for one of Caberawet's subsidiary company iaitu, SMET. Kiranya, SMET ada share dalam Caberawet. SMET adalah company engineering. Biggest client SMET adalah TNB. SMET company deal with engineering and electrical sebenarnye. So, Caberawet punya idea untuk SMET adalah, buat GO-Green event di mana objektifnya adalah untuk menjadikan SMET, company engineering and electrical yang pertama di Malaysia untuk membuat kempen alam sekitar atau Go-Green.
2 meeting aku dah pegi untuk berjumpa client iaitu Caberawet, untuk mengetahui apa yang mereka nak dari event ni. So, apa yang Caberawet nak is, a short but effective event which can attract media to do coverage and public to attend the event. Target Audience: Kids and Yougsters. The most important part in this event is the Media Attraction. What's with Media Attraction?? The answer is, GIMMICK. Yes! Caberawet mahukan gimmick yang lain daripada yang lain dan jadi main attraction utk event ni. Gimmick tu hanya makan masa beberapa minit iaitu 15 minutes out of that 4 hours event. Kami juga diberi budget terbesar dari Caberawet sehingga menyebabkan kucar-kacir di antara team aku iaitu, zero budget. 0. KOSONG YE.
Maknanye kami kene produce A&P dari zero budget yang kami dapat ni. So, disinilah sponsorship dan pengorbanan kami sendiri diperlukan. Pengorbanan tu yang susah nak dapat. Ada team members aku yang tak nak keluarkan duit untuk assignment sendiri. Payah! is the real problem yang membingitkan kepala aku. Sebagai Project Manager, ia adalah tugas aku untuk manage team aku dan manage schedule sepanjang proses perancangan event ni. Memang itu lah fokus aku sampai ke saat ni. Tapi, masalah mula timbul. Team aku ada 23 orang. Tapi, dalam 23 org, tak semua yang boleh diharapkan untuk membuat kerja. Jangan kate buat kerja, nak mintak cooperation and involvement during meeting pun susah.
As a PM, aku dah inform awal-awal dah pasal meeting hari sabtu, di fac. Tapi, at last, macam-macam perangai soldier aku buat. Ada yang tak bangun tidur. Ada yang dah balik rumah bercuti. Ada yang kata tak dpt message (padahal aku dah mintak jasa baik semua untuk forwardkan message). So, nampak sgt tak de siapa yang bertindak lepas dapat message aku. Hanya baca dan tutup...Nak mintak tolong forward pun susah. Aku tak de phone number semua orang, tu sebab aku mintak tolong forwardkan. Kalau aku ade number semua, aku tak mintak tolong. Tapi kenapa tak tolong?? Lpas tu, nak bertalu-talu message aku cakap tak tau ade meeting, tak dapat message lah, u lah, ni lah. Oh My God!!! Tak de sorang pun yang forwardkan ke? Kenapa tak tolong saya??huhuu...
Lepas tu, lain pulak ceritanya. Pasal orang yang tak datang meeting. Kenapa tak nak co-operate and spent some time to come for a meeting? Ni nak kena aku pulak cerita banyak-banayak kali bende yang same disebabkan kau tak dtg meeting. Bukan aku ta boleh cerita, boleh.cuma..paham-pahamlah, bila time meeting aku dah bg tau clearly semua bende. Tapi bila orang yang tak dtg meeting tu, suruh aku cerita balik, sometimes ade bende yang aku terleft out. So, miscommunication might happen. Kat situlah, ada orang ni cakap, tu salah aku. "Sepatutnya sebagai PM, kau tak boleh bg tau atau brief kat 8 orang yang dtg meeting tu je weh pasal event tu. Ko kene gatherkan semua budak klas and bg tau skali gus", sedap betul menegur aku. Macam bertih jagung kata-katanya keluar. Masalahnye....tu lah purpose meeting yang aku arrange, tapi korang tak nak dtg. Alasan org tu, hari cuti, siapa nak dtg meeting....... So, kenapa mempertikaikan apa yang aku buat and apa yang aku arrangekn? Oh My God! ini untuk assignment kite semua kot. Lantaklah cuti ke ape, itu assignment! Itu markah ok!... Pandai pulak cakap, kalau tak buat betol-betol nanti effect markah, tapi org yang bercakap tu sendiri yang tak amek kesah. Sedihnya macam ni.... Disebabkan orang yang bercakap, menegur aku tu sendiri yang tak participate, die tego apa yang aku buat pulak slah..Kenapa macam tu? Aku rase tak adil. Aku dah jalankan tugas, aku dah tolong, tapi korang tak nak co-operate. Mana perginya kesedaran diri masing-masing ni? Kornag dah nak habis blajar lah. Nak practical, nak keje dah pun. Kalau perangai macam ni, macam mana bila dah kerja nanti? huhhhh...
Tolonglah jgn buat aku mcm ni. Aku mengaku, aku bukan lah a good leader. Tapi aku belajar untuk menjadi lebih baik setiap hari. Aku halang diri aku untuk menjadi seorang yang ego dan perasan bagus. Sebab aku bukan jenis macam tu bila aku kene bekerja dalam team. Aku masih memerlukan tulang belakang yang sentiasa supportive, bekerjasama, dan tak kalut. (Sebab, ada yang kalut, bile sorang tgh bercakap, dia pun nak bercakap. Last2, tak de siapa yang mampu dengar. Sabar ye dik, bia akak tu habis cakap dulu, pastu adik cakaplah. Jangan nak mencelah).
Haihh.... itulah luahan hati yang mampu aku taip harini. Tadi aku dh menangis sekejap lepas diri aku dikritik dalam fon dan aku rasa sangat tak adil. Tapi itu pandangan orang, soldier aku. Aku dengar dan aku terima. Hati aku terluka sikit, tu sebab menangis. Kalau aku potes habi-habisan apa yang dia cakap, nanti die kate aku ni bajet hebat pulak...Tapi, aku kuat dan aku ni tak cepat putus semangat orangnya. Family aku sendiri cakap begitu. Syukur aku bukan jeis orang macam tu. Kalau aku begitu, aku takkan berdiri di tempat yang aku berdiri sekarang ni. kan? There is a huge part in myself where determination lives and will live forever. (I learn that since childhood in Assunta)
PM yang sedang dikritik oleh soldiernya,
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Selamat Menyambut Kemerdekaan ke-52
Selamat Menyambut Kemerdekaan Negara Malaysia ke-52 . Semoga di bulan Ramadhan yang suci ini, tanpa konsert dan party-party liar untuk sambut Merdeka, Negara Malaysia akan lebih diberkati oleh Allah S.W.T. Amin~
Selamat Menyambut Kemerdekaan Negara Malaysia ke-52 . Semoga di bulan Ramadhan yang suci ini, tanpa konsert dan party-party liar untuk sambut Merdeka, Negara Malaysia akan lebih diberkati oleh Allah S.W.T. Amin~
1 Malaysia
"Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan"
"Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan"
Anak Merdeka,
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Menjaga Hati
Click next (to 3rd track of StrawberryCookies FM) to sing this lyric together with the song by Yovie & Nuno.
Masih tertinggal bayanganmu
yang telah membekas di relung hatiku
hujan tanpa henti seolah bertanda
cinta tak disini lagi kau telah berpaling
Biarkan aku menjaga perasaan ini
menjaga segenap cinta yang telah kau beri
engkau pergi aku takkan pergi
kau menjauh aku takkan jauh
sebenarnya diriku masih mengharapkanmu
yang telah membekas di relung hatiku
hujan tanpa henti seolah bertanda
cinta tak disini lagi kau telah berpaling
Biarkan aku menjaga perasaan ini
menjaga segenap cinta yang telah kau beri
engkau pergi aku takkan pergi
kau menjauh aku takkan jauh
sebenarnya diriku masih mengharapkanmu
ooh oooh
Masih adakah cahaya rindumu
yang dulu selalu cerminkan hatimu
aku takkan bisa menghapus dirimu
meski kulihat kini kau diseberang sana
Andai akhirnya kau tak juga kembali
aku tetap sendiri menjaga hati
sejujurnya aku masih mengharapkanmu
oooh ooohh
*Cookies dedicate lagu ni khas untuk member-member Cookies yang sedang mengalami masalah cinta. To Miss S, Mr SM, and Mr B, may you find your answer to your true love when god send them to you at the right place and the right time.
Love u all dear friends,
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Selamat Berpuasa
It's fasting monthh again.
Alhamdulillah kerana kita masih dapat meraikan dan menyambut Ramadhan kali ini dengan keluarga dan umat Islam yang lain.
Tapi, Cookies memikirkan, kita di bumi Malaysia ni, apakah makna Ramadhan kepada kebanyakan dari kita?
Sebab, dalam TV, di bazaar ramadhan, semua orang rakus bila tengok makanan di bulan yang mulia ni. Kat TV pun, rancangan puasa yang menunjukkan jenis-jenis juadah untuk berbuka puasa pun belumba-lumba nak disiarkan. Setiap kali puasa je, setiap tahun, konsep rancangan yang sama. MAKANAN. Tak pun, aktiviti shopping raya mak cik-mak cik kat jalan TAR.
Tak de topik lain ke nak cover?
Kalau rancangan M3 plak, balik-balik makanan, pengalaman polis trafik yang bertugas ketika ramadhan dan kehidupan ibu tunggal yang duduk dalam pondok tanpa lampu kecuali lampu pelita.
Lama- lama topik tu jadi lapok sebab setiap tahun cerita yang sama.
Sebagai orang muda yang banya idea rfesh, mungkin apabila nak menerbitkan rancangan ketika bulan-bulan perayaan ni, kita mestilah sama-sama berfikir dan berusahakan menhghasilkan dan menerbitkan rancangan yang baru dan lain daripada yang lain.
Mungkin dah masa kita semua berfikir macam Allahyarham Yasmin Ahmad. Be different in a truthful way.
Be a sensitive and excellent storyteller.
Selamat Berpuasa dari,
It's fasting monthh again.
Alhamdulillah kerana kita masih dapat meraikan dan menyambut Ramadhan kali ini dengan keluarga dan umat Islam yang lain.
Tapi, Cookies memikirkan, kita di bumi Malaysia ni, apakah makna Ramadhan kepada kebanyakan dari kita?
Sebab, dalam TV, di bazaar ramadhan, semua orang rakus bila tengok makanan di bulan yang mulia ni. Kat TV pun, rancangan puasa yang menunjukkan jenis-jenis juadah untuk berbuka puasa pun belumba-lumba nak disiarkan. Setiap kali puasa je, setiap tahun, konsep rancangan yang sama. MAKANAN. Tak pun, aktiviti shopping raya mak cik-mak cik kat jalan TAR.
Tak de topik lain ke nak cover?
Kalau rancangan M3 plak, balik-balik makanan, pengalaman polis trafik yang bertugas ketika ramadhan dan kehidupan ibu tunggal yang duduk dalam pondok tanpa lampu kecuali lampu pelita.
Lama- lama topik tu jadi lapok sebab setiap tahun cerita yang sama.
Sebagai orang muda yang banya idea rfesh, mungkin apabila nak menerbitkan rancangan ketika bulan-bulan perayaan ni, kita mestilah sama-sama berfikir dan berusahakan menhghasilkan dan menerbitkan rancangan yang baru dan lain daripada yang lain.
Mungkin dah masa kita semua berfikir macam Allahyarham Yasmin Ahmad. Be different in a truthful way.
Be a sensitive and excellent storyteller.
Selamat Berpuasa dari,
Sunday, August 16, 2009
It's my business
Klik pink ni.

I am taking my business deal a step higher.
Serious work makes good profit for my future.
Miss so bersungguh sungguh,
Serious work makes good profit for my future.
Miss so bersungguh sungguh,
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Yezzzzaaa!!!At last i got the free wifi connection from my bed next to the window. Thanx goodness!!!
Say bye to sleep and hello to the internet access. *weeee*
I've been gone for so long and not bothering to update my own blog. So, here i am.
I've been quite lonely for the past week since i don't know where does everyone gone too. Friends, they are gone. None. i have no idea. Been spending my days with my roomate and housemate only lately. Eat with them, and relaxing at home together. O, big news, I COOKED CHICKEN SOUP, KAILAN GORENG BELACAN and SAMBAL KICAP with Ella last wednesday nite. OMG!!! Me? COoking? Well... haha... i am not useless in cooking orite. U should taste the very delicious menu we cooked the other day. I was so proud of my selfuntil i can't stop myself for texting my sis and Strawberry announcing my cooking ability. Thanx to Strawberry and Aunty back in BP for guiding me through sms for the Chicken soup. Thank u aunty.hehe.. (Resepi bakal mak mertua ok...) Thumbs up! *pat n my own back* hehe..
So, next dish i wanna try to make is Chicken curry! yes! will go home to my mom's house this weekend and learn! I can be a good woman once i know how to cook and start cooking on my own. Now i feel complete and satisfied with myself.
So, today i'm fasting and now craving for Custard Dunkin DOnut. huuu...guess i am going to Pyramid after my seminar this evening just to get it. i don't care. i want it. Then, maybe i'll break-fast with Strawberry, or else, i'm gonna be on my own.
Another thing is, i'm looking forward for this sunday as Ayul is coming over to KL from Kedah. So, we gonna walk around KL on Sunday nite! Yipee! There it goes, i might be skipping class next week just to give her company to lepak anywhere. *shhhh...don't tell mom*
I want Dunkin,
Yezzzzaaa!!!At last i got the free wifi connection from my bed next to the window. Thanx goodness!!!
Say bye to sleep and hello to the internet access. *weeee*
I've been gone for so long and not bothering to update my own blog. So, here i am.
I've been quite lonely for the past week since i don't know where does everyone gone too. Friends, they are gone. None. i have no idea. Been spending my days with my roomate and housemate only lately. Eat with them, and relaxing at home together. O, big news, I COOKED CHICKEN SOUP, KAILAN GORENG BELACAN and SAMBAL KICAP with Ella last wednesday nite. OMG!!! Me? COoking? Well... haha... i am not useless in cooking orite. U should taste the very delicious menu we cooked the other day. I was so proud of my selfuntil i can't stop myself for texting my sis and Strawberry announcing my cooking ability. Thanx to Strawberry and Aunty back in BP for guiding me through sms for the Chicken soup. Thank u aunty.hehe.. (Resepi bakal mak mertua ok...) Thumbs up! *pat n my own back* hehe..
So, next dish i wanna try to make is Chicken curry! yes! will go home to my mom's house this weekend and learn! I can be a good woman once i know how to cook and start cooking on my own. Now i feel complete and satisfied with myself.
So, today i'm fasting and now craving for Custard Dunkin DOnut. huuu...guess i am going to Pyramid after my seminar this evening just to get it. i don't care. i want it. Then, maybe i'll break-fast with Strawberry, or else, i'm gonna be on my own.
Another thing is, i'm looking forward for this sunday as Ayul is coming over to KL from Kedah. So, we gonna walk around KL on Sunday nite! Yipee! There it goes, i might be skipping class next week just to give her company to lepak anywhere. *shhhh...don't tell mom*
I want Dunkin,
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Semalam Cookies balik rumah family dari rumah sewa. Atas sebab, Cookies terasa sunyi je smalam dok kat rumah tu. Housemate busy wat assignment dengan group members die. So, tak de lah nak borak-borak kacau die. Lagipun baru hari ke3 semalam, so Cookies tak berapa begitu bersantai lagi kat rumah tu.
Lagi 2 orang housemate yang bukan roomate Cookies tu pulak macam ala-ala sombong ckit je. Bukan lah sombong, tapi tak mudah nak dibawak berborak. Kalau Cookies tanye, baru lah jawab, sepatah... Kalau tak tanye, dia asek tengok TV je dengan Wonderpets, Spongebob dan Buih-Buih Cinta die tu. aiyyaa....Conquer lah TV tu sampai lebam dik oi.
Disebabkan kebosanan tahap cipan dan disebabkan tak de kaki nak ke mane-mane dan malas nak ke CC untuk online, Cookies pun buatlah panggilan SOS ke nombor Papa. " Pa, pick up saye nak balik KJ boleh tak?"..tanpa meleweh panjang papa pun jawab, "OK, lepas smayang zohor, papa datang". Huhhh...Selamat ada penyelamat.
Cookies rase sunyi pulak semenjak dua menjak ni. Nak rojer member kadang-kadang ajak pegi mane-mane pun Cookies segan. Macam mengganggu orang pulak. Strawberry pulak tak de kat sini. Still kat hometown dia. Progress die skarang tengah membetolkan VS nye. Semua atas desakan Cookies jugak sebab Cookies selalu merengek nak transpot. Kesian dia. Pasal Cookies, dia kene keluar duit. Tapi, tak pe kot. Asalkan hidup kitorang boleh senang sikit tak lame lagi. =))
Dah pukul 2, Cookies kene naik kelas. Malas sebenarnye. Tapi pegi je lah kot dan berangan je kat klas nanti. Lecturer tu nak aja ape je..humm..Ok, gtg.
Miss Kinda Lonely,
Semalam Cookies balik rumah family dari rumah sewa. Atas sebab, Cookies terasa sunyi je smalam dok kat rumah tu. Housemate busy wat assignment dengan group members die. So, tak de lah nak borak-borak kacau die. Lagipun baru hari ke3 semalam, so Cookies tak berapa begitu bersantai lagi kat rumah tu.
Lagi 2 orang housemate yang bukan roomate Cookies tu pulak macam ala-ala sombong ckit je. Bukan lah sombong, tapi tak mudah nak dibawak berborak. Kalau Cookies tanye, baru lah jawab, sepatah... Kalau tak tanye, dia asek tengok TV je dengan Wonderpets, Spongebob dan Buih-Buih Cinta die tu. aiyyaa....Conquer lah TV tu sampai lebam dik oi.
Disebabkan kebosanan tahap cipan dan disebabkan tak de kaki nak ke mane-mane dan malas nak ke CC untuk online, Cookies pun buatlah panggilan SOS ke nombor Papa. " Pa, pick up saye nak balik KJ boleh tak?"..tanpa meleweh panjang papa pun jawab, "OK, lepas smayang zohor, papa datang". Huhhh...Selamat ada penyelamat.
Cookies rase sunyi pulak semenjak dua menjak ni. Nak rojer member kadang-kadang ajak pegi mane-mane pun Cookies segan. Macam mengganggu orang pulak. Strawberry pulak tak de kat sini. Still kat hometown dia. Progress die skarang tengah membetolkan VS nye. Semua atas desakan Cookies jugak sebab Cookies selalu merengek nak transpot. Kesian dia. Pasal Cookies, dia kene keluar duit. Tapi, tak pe kot. Asalkan hidup kitorang boleh senang sikit tak lame lagi. =))
Dah pukul 2, Cookies kene naik kelas. Malas sebenarnye. Tapi pegi je lah kot dan berangan je kat klas nanti. Lecturer tu nak aja ape je..humm..Ok, gtg.
Miss Kinda Lonely,
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Rumah sewa oh rumah sewa
Tonight i am moving into my new rumah sewa! Tomorrow class is starting and i am moving into the house tonight, sleep there and go to class from there tomorrow. My life will be THERE after this!! hehe..
SO, now i am busy packing all mys stuff and make sure that i don't leave out anything. *Tired*
I don'tknow why but i am feeling a lil nervous now. Maybe it's becase of the new environment i'll be in. Grrr...But i have my friend, Ella with me in the same house. *Relax a lil*
So, i better continue with my packing.
P/S: Doakan everything will be good for me in the new house. I will really appereciate that. ;)
The nervous girl,
Tonight i am moving into my new rumah sewa! Tomorrow class is starting and i am moving into the house tonight, sleep there and go to class from there tomorrow. My life will be THERE after this!! hehe..
SO, now i am busy packing all mys stuff and make sure that i don't leave out anything. *Tired*
I don'tknow why but i am feeling a lil nervous now. Maybe it's becase of the new environment i'll be in. Grrr...But i have my friend, Ella with me in the same house. *Relax a lil*
So, i better continue with my packing.
P/S: Doakan everything will be good for me in the new house. I will really appereciate that. ;)
The nervous girl,
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Cookies = Rapuh
HUHHHHHH...selalunye sakit hati Cookies ni satu hari je insyaAllah boleh reda. Tapi ni dah lebih 24 jam dan Cookies still pissed off lagi.
SO, sekarang ni, Cookies mengharapkan sesuatu. Pujukan. Kenapa lelaki ni susah sangat nak pujuk. Kenapa? Kenapa? Kenapa?? Eeee!!! Tensionnye! Nak kate baru kenal, tak jugak. U are the one who make a shit in my life, kenapa tak nak pujuk betol-betol?! Pujuk cara lama awak tak berkesan, pergilah cari ramuan baru!! EEee... Cookies bukan boleh senang-senang lupa pasal benda semalam or pasal benda-benda yang jadi sebelum ni. Huu... Tolonglah jangan pretend macam tak de ape-ape yang berlaku. I really hate that kind of attitude. Solve the problem u made like a real gentleman please. Be my dream guy. PLEASE!
Seriously, saya nak awak pujuk saya walaupun awak nun jauh di sana. I don't know in what way, tapi tolonglah cari cara lain untuk pujuk saya. Not the old-fashion way. I hate it... And it's defnitely not working. T-T
P/S : I want to gain my trust on you again, tapi ternyata saya masih ragu-ragu. Saya still cek page MS awak sebab masih tak puas hati!Urrgh!! U made me like this.
the gloomy one,
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Mesti org yang bace post ni dah terngiang-ngiang dah lagu "Robek Hatiku" yang korang selalu nyanyi kat karaoke kn? hahaaa....
Haaaaaaaiiiiihhhh.... Mengeluh panjang Cookies malam ni disebabkan sifat lelaki.
Nak kate tak cukup umur, dah besar panjang, tapi suke sangat dengan barang mainan budak kecik. Ape yang best punCookies tak tau. hurmmmm *sambil mengetip bibir ke kiri dan ke kanan*. Mungkin, Cookies pun kene try main permainan budak kecik jugak kot. Patutnye dari dulu try, tapi tak sampai hati pulak sebab memikirkan Cookies dah ade barang mainan sendiri. Yang bukan hak Cookies tu biarlah orang lain amek. Tapi, memandangkan zaman ekonomi seperti sekarang, dan Cookies pun ala-la dah dicabar, Cookies pun patut mencuba lah rasanya. Mungkin lebih adventurous. Sape tau?
Tapi Cookies nak barang mainan yang cantik-cantik lah. Of course... Yang mahal sikit. Setakat yang murah-murah dan huduh-huduh tu tolak tepi lah. Tak de standard la you...
Nanti Cookies survey. Dah jumpe, Cookies amek terus!
Ok! =) "Ucap tahniahlah kepada mereka" - quote kata-kata Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu
Sekian, Terima Kasih.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Mesti org yang bace post ni dah terngiang-ngiang dah lagu "Robek Hatiku" yang korang selalu nyanyi kat karaoke kn? hahaaa....
Haaaaaaaiiiiihhhh.... Mengeluh panjang Cookies malam ni disebabkan sifat lelaki.
Nak kate tak cukup umur, dah besar panjang, tapi suke sangat dengan barang mainan budak kecik. Ape yang best punCookies tak tau. hurmmmm *sambil mengetip bibir ke kiri dan ke kanan*. Mungkin, Cookies pun kene try main permainan budak kecik jugak kot. Patutnye dari dulu try, tapi tak sampai hati pulak sebab memikirkan Cookies dah ade barang mainan sendiri. Yang bukan hak Cookies tu biarlah orang lain amek. Tapi, memandangkan zaman ekonomi seperti sekarang, dan Cookies pun ala-la dah dicabar, Cookies pun patut mencuba lah rasanya. Mungkin lebih adventurous. Sape tau?
Tapi Cookies nak barang mainan yang cantik-cantik lah. Of course... Yang mahal sikit. Setakat yang murah-murah dan huduh-huduh tu tolak tepi lah. Tak de standard la you...
Nanti Cookies survey. Dah jumpe, Cookies amek terus!
Ok! =) "Ucap tahniahlah kepada mereka" - quote kata-kata Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu
Sekian, Terima Kasih.
Yang pecah berderai,
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Recovering Moment
Ok..Cookies is getting better from the fever and now it's just my cough that is disturbing my life span today. Oh, plus my toothache which got up to my eye, than head. Luckily i ate the 'Ubat Cap Kaki Tiga' and went off to sleep for 1 and a half hour, then the pain is gone till now. I think I need to head for the dentist tomorrow to cover up a hole in two of my tooth. EEuw..haha!! I understand if u think i'm disgusting.
So... this is what i did during my recovering moment. Browse my new obsession, the Lookbook and figure out what i must steal next from blogshops and real shops. I should call them, My Next Best Thing For My Wardrobe. Here goes the list (whch means, the money).
1. A Fedora.
I'm longing for it for as long as I can remember since i put it on my head in Topshop but have no pennies in my pocket. I'm gonna have it!
2. A Long Stripe T-Shirt
I should say, this is to complete my Vintage wardrobe. It's just the "in" t's now.
3. Black Blazer
I found one in a blogshop. Gonna order it. I prefer the simple black blazer because i am not a biker jacket kinda girl. ;) It's hot here right?
4. Lacey Pantyhose
I used to hate this thing before for some reason but i am falling deeply in love with it now. It can fit in with my vintage rock sexy feminine style. hahaha! yadaaa~ Sometimes, i just don't even understand myself.

So... this is what i did during my recovering moment. Browse my new obsession, the Lookbook and figure out what i must steal next from blogshops and real shops. I should call them, My Next Best Thing For My Wardrobe. Here goes the list (whch means, the money).

I'm longing for it for as long as I can remember since i put it on my head in Topshop but have no pennies in my pocket. I'm gonna have it!
I should say, this is to complete my Vintage wardrobe. It's just the "in" t's now.

I found one in a blogshop. Gonna order it. I prefer the simple black blazer because i am not a biker jacket kinda girl. ;) It's hot here right?

I used to hate this thing before for some reason but i am falling deeply in love with it now. It can fit in with my vintage rock sexy feminine style. hahaha! yadaaa~ Sometimes, i just don't even understand myself.

5. Wash out Skinny
I found this in a blogshop too but i don't now whether i can fit it or not. So, still seaching or the best one for myself. I wish i am a DIY person!
I found this in a blogshop too but i don't now whether i can fit it or not. So, still seaching or the best one for myself. I wish i am a DIY person!
So, there goes my top-to-toe list for now. oh, no toe, because no shoes in this shopping lst. Shoes next time ok.. I hope i can follow this shopping list so that i won't go out and purchase things that I don't need. *That always happened. erk!*
P/S: I accept items above in a form of gifts or present too! My birthday is just around he corner! =D
P/S: I accept items above in a form of gifts or present too! My birthday is just around he corner! =D
Monday, July 27, 2009
I'm Just A Little Unwell
Cookies is not so well now. Having cough, flu and my temperature just come and go.
Already took my medicine and it only works for a few hours. Like right now. I am sweating coz i just took my medicine an hour ago. 5 hours later, i'll be wrap up again with my blanket.
I really hope this is not the H1N1 thing. My university is closed down for a week due to some cases of H1N1. I don't really like this sudden holiday actually cause eventually we will have to do the replacement classes. Urgh!! Hate it! Hate it! I hate replacement class. Never like it. Na-ah!
So, now i'm gonna continue and get my rest. Please pray for my cough to go away. My throat is aching!
*Sobsob* I really wish that my Strawberry is here next to me rite now and take care of me, his sick girlfriend. B, u still owe me which is taking care of me during my sick day like i took care of you the other day during your fever.
Gotta stop here. Mmmmmuuuuahhhhx everyone. *there goes my virus to u. hehe*
Cookies said, "I need a human blanket".
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Al- Fatihah to Allahyarhamah Yasmin Ahmad
Allahyarhamah Yasmin Ahmad passed away last night around 11:30 pm (25th July 2009) dan telah selamat dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Islam di Subang Jaya hari ini.
She is a great lost to the Malaysian Advertising and Film Industry. Leo Burnett had lost a very successful and creative, Creative Director. It is a great lost... Her ads had always been a good reference and examples to be presented during our presentation in Advertising class especially Miss Shifa and Prof Rahim class. We cried, we laughed at them. We gonna miss all the Petronas Ads that touches our hearts during all the festive season.
Her movie was the most sincere local film we watched. "Everyone has their frst love story to tell" - Mukhsin. May Muallaf will be release after this...
Allahyarhamah Yasmin Ahmad may lost in fighting her life to the stroke but her creativity and all her touch will never be lost among us who watch her work.
To Cookies- Yasmin Ahmad is the advertising goddess. Al-Fatihah..
This is a Commercial by Yasmin Ahmad entitled Funaral done for Family Singapore MCYS Youth Commercial. Watch...
Allahyarhamah Yasmin Ahmad passed away last night around 11:30 pm (25th July 2009) dan telah selamat dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Islam di Subang Jaya hari ini.
She is a great lost to the Malaysian Advertising and Film Industry. Leo Burnett had lost a very successful and creative, Creative Director. It is a great lost... Her ads had always been a good reference and examples to be presented during our presentation in Advertising class especially Miss Shifa and Prof Rahim class. We cried, we laughed at them. We gonna miss all the Petronas Ads that touches our hearts during all the festive season.
Her movie was the most sincere local film we watched. "Everyone has their frst love story to tell" - Mukhsin. May Muallaf will be release after this...
Allahyarhamah Yasmin Ahmad may lost in fighting her life to the stroke but her creativity and all her touch will never be lost among us who watch her work.
To Cookies- Yasmin Ahmad is the advertising goddess. Al-Fatihah..
This is a Commercial by Yasmin Ahmad entitled Funaral done for Family Singapore MCYS Youth Commercial. Watch...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Rain = My Lazy Mode
hhuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....can i have a longer sigh? huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... i am so lazy without any mood or ideas growing to edit my thesis/ academic writing proposal. I am suppose to see my supervisor tomorrow and show my progress but until now, i still do not have any progress since last week. Gosh, what is wrong with me?? I don't have enough research and that makes me stuck till now. I need help, friends and bbee besides me so that i am more energized to start working on the thesis. I really don't like my behavior right now. I hate being a lazy person especially in my study. I hate it! i hate it when i can't finish my work when i am suppose to. I hate it when i can't access into the university's content journal page. DARN!!!
What should i do?
A. Gamble by not doing anything tonight and don't have to see supervisor tomorrow.
B. Start editing, at least i have a lil progress to show tomorrow.
C. Shut down and Sleep.
Miss Lazy,
hhuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....can i have a longer sigh? huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... i am so lazy without any mood or ideas growing to edit my thesis/ academic writing proposal. I am suppose to see my supervisor tomorrow and show my progress but until now, i still do not have any progress since last week. Gosh, what is wrong with me?? I don't have enough research and that makes me stuck till now. I need help, friends and bbee besides me so that i am more energized to start working on the thesis. I really don't like my behavior right now. I hate being a lazy person especially in my study. I hate it! i hate it when i can't finish my work when i am suppose to. I hate it when i can't access into the university's content journal page. DARN!!!
What should i do?
A. Gamble by not doing anything tonight and don't have to see supervisor tomorrow.
B. Start editing, at least i have a lil progress to show tomorrow.
C. Shut down and Sleep.
Miss Lazy,
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Today Cookies got her first new RM50 note from Maybank ATM in Pavillion. (I admit it that i was very yippie happy geting it and quite "jakun")
Smaller size than the previous one.
There's a red color hibiscus at the front side. Yayy!! Colorssss.hehe..
Palm tree illustration at the back side of it with 'jawi' typo of Bank Negara Malaysia and Ringgit Malaysia.
Very nice. Cookies like it!
The serial number Cookies got is AK11......, mcm tiket Air Asia lah plak main
Monday, July 20, 2009
The full list of winners:
The Ultimate Shout! Award: BUNKFACE
Rockstar Award: Bunkface
Popstar Award: Stacy (didn't turn up. Off to Jakarta)
Power Vocal Award: Jaclyn Victor (Siti loss)
Flava Award: Joe Flizzow
Break Out Award: Bunkface
Best On Screen Chemistry: Upin & Ipin (everyone expected it except for Paul Moss)
Fresh TV Series Award : Ghost (8TV)
Favorite TV Programme: Field Trip USA (Yeah Budiiiiiii!!!)
Favourite TV Host: Naz
Coolest Radio Announcer: JJ (Hitz. FM)
Favourite Radio Show : Pagi Show (Fly FM)
Stylo Award: Dynas Mokhtar (I voted for Sazzy!! Agree with me?)
Hot Chick Award: Marion Counter (die memang sangat HOT!)
Hot Guy Award: Faizal Tahir (didn't turn up. Off to Jakarta)
Some Pictures at Shout Awards
The Ultimate Shout! Award: BUNKFACE
Rockstar Award: Bunkface
Popstar Award: Stacy (didn't turn up. Off to Jakarta)
Power Vocal Award: Jaclyn Victor (Siti loss)
Flava Award: Joe Flizzow
Break Out Award: Bunkface
Best On Screen Chemistry: Upin & Ipin (everyone expected it except for Paul Moss)
Fresh TV Series Award : Ghost (8TV)
Favorite TV Programme: Field Trip USA (Yeah Budiiiiiii!!!)
Favourite TV Host: Naz
Coolest Radio Announcer: JJ (Hitz. FM)
Favourite Radio Show : Pagi Show (Fly FM)
Stylo Award: Dynas Mokhtar (I voted for Sazzy!! Agree with me?)
Hot Chick Award: Marion Counter (die memang sangat HOT!)
Hot Guy Award: Faizal Tahir (didn't turn up. Off to Jakarta)
Some Pictures at Shout Awards
Sean Kingston
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Dah lame Cookies tak bukak blog sendiri ni. Past few days sgt meletihkan, sambil membuat proposal thesis Advertising ku dan menanti dengan penuh harapan keputusan rayuan kolej untuk sem ni. Haihhhh.... Kenapalah susah sgt nak approve. Nak merayu macam mane lagi baru boleh dapat ha? Tolong!!! Dah tak sanggup nak ulang-alik dari KJ every single day. Dah lah tak boleh drive sendiri. Gile hopeless. Papa jugak kene hantar amek. (Well, tu yang dijanjikan Mama. Dia tak bagi Cookies amek lesen dengan alasan, nak pergi mana-mana, papa boleh hantar. Yaaaaa rite. I am 23. Tak de privacy langsung macam tu! Im a good daughter ma. Can't you just give me something that i really want??? *ukh, tensionnye ckp pasal ni*.
Fuhhh..Ok. relax...
So, esok Cookies akan pergi lgi ke Kolej M dan Kolej T untuk tanya, "ada tak bilik kosong untuk saya kak". Nasib baik esok pakai bju kurung. So nampak lah proper and innocent sikit. Harap-harap, kakak tu lembutlah hatinye bagi Cookies bilik.. Amin~
Ckap pasal thesis, pagi td dah jumpe my Advisor. Topic telah diapprove. "Language Use in Advertising".So, Cookies akan guna method Content Analysis untuk analyze copys in Ads. Contoh macam, "Buy Now!", "Try Now", and advertisement yang tak de copy, hanya ada web address. What is the perception of consumers on this kind of copy in Ad. Do customers actually take immediate action on those action words, or it doesn't give any impact to them. Utk thesis ni, Cookies specific kan scope kepada Magazine Ad. So, Cookies will research on those. Maybe nanti, korang yang membaca ni boleh tolong Cookies completekan research ni. Bg pendapat ke. Tolong jadi respondent to my survey ke....boleh? hehe...Hopefully i can complete this thesis on time and successful... Amin~
After all the hectic days, petang td Cookies received SMS from an unknown number. Buka-bukak inbox tengok-tengok SMS bg tau Cookies berjaya dapat tix free pergi SHOUT Awards malam esok kat BukitJalil. Yessss!!!! Dapat jugak. Tak sia-sia Cookies saja-saja hanta message kat YoutSays tu. hehe..Petang tadi dah collect tix kat Kelana Square. Esok kene pergi naik train lah nampak gayenye. Tapi balik tak tau camane. Aiyyohh!!! Again. nak jerit. "SUSAHNYA TAK DE TRANSPOT SENDIRIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"... So, kalau tak de transpot, camane nak balik. tido tepi jalan ke?huhuu...Sedihnya..macam nak mati sedihnye. Serius! i am tired. So darn tired.
Tibe-tibe tak de mood dah nak tulis lepas crite pasal transport tu. So, i guess i will stop here. Nak pergi window shopping kat Blogshops. Bye!
P/S : Will post pictures if i go to SHOUT tomorrw. Amin~
P/S lagi : Strawberry dah habis sem ni kat Kolej dia. Cookies is very proud of him coz all his work this sem is super duper superb. He has change quite a lot. More wiser i should say. Love u hun!
Dah lame Cookies tak bukak blog sendiri ni. Past few days sgt meletihkan, sambil membuat proposal thesis Advertising ku dan menanti dengan penuh harapan keputusan rayuan kolej untuk sem ni. Haihhhh.... Kenapalah susah sgt nak approve. Nak merayu macam mane lagi baru boleh dapat ha? Tolong!!! Dah tak sanggup nak ulang-alik dari KJ every single day. Dah lah tak boleh drive sendiri. Gile hopeless. Papa jugak kene hantar amek. (Well, tu yang dijanjikan Mama. Dia tak bagi Cookies amek lesen dengan alasan, nak pergi mana-mana, papa boleh hantar. Yaaaaa rite. I am 23. Tak de privacy langsung macam tu! Im a good daughter ma. Can't you just give me something that i really want??? *ukh, tensionnye ckp pasal ni*.
Fuhhh..Ok. relax...
So, esok Cookies akan pergi lgi ke Kolej M dan Kolej T untuk tanya, "ada tak bilik kosong untuk saya kak". Nasib baik esok pakai bju kurung. So nampak lah proper and innocent sikit. Harap-harap, kakak tu lembutlah hatinye bagi Cookies bilik.. Amin~
Ckap pasal thesis, pagi td dah jumpe my Advisor. Topic telah diapprove. "Language Use in Advertising".So, Cookies akan guna method Content Analysis untuk analyze copys in Ads. Contoh macam, "Buy Now!", "Try Now", and advertisement yang tak de copy, hanya ada web address. What is the perception of consumers on this kind of copy in Ad. Do customers actually take immediate action on those action words, or it doesn't give any impact to them. Utk thesis ni, Cookies specific kan scope kepada Magazine Ad. So, Cookies will research on those. Maybe nanti, korang yang membaca ni boleh tolong Cookies completekan research ni. Bg pendapat ke. Tolong jadi respondent to my survey ke....boleh? hehe...Hopefully i can complete this thesis on time and successful... Amin~
After all the hectic days, petang td Cookies received SMS from an unknown number. Buka-bukak inbox tengok-tengok SMS bg tau Cookies berjaya dapat tix free pergi SHOUT Awards malam esok kat BukitJalil. Yessss!!!! Dapat jugak. Tak sia-sia Cookies saja-saja hanta message kat YoutSays tu. hehe..Petang tadi dah collect tix kat Kelana Square. Esok kene pergi naik train lah nampak gayenye. Tapi balik tak tau camane. Aiyyohh!!! Again. nak jerit. "SUSAHNYA TAK DE TRANSPOT SENDIRIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"... So, kalau tak de transpot, camane nak balik. tido tepi jalan ke?huhuu...Sedihnya..macam nak mati sedihnye. Serius! i am tired. So darn tired.
Tibe-tibe tak de mood dah nak tulis lepas crite pasal transport tu. So, i guess i will stop here. Nak pergi window shopping kat Blogshops. Bye!
P/S : Will post pictures if i go to SHOUT tomorrw. Amin~
P/S lagi : Strawberry dah habis sem ni kat Kolej dia. Cookies is very proud of him coz all his work this sem is super duper superb. He has change quite a lot. More wiser i should say. Love u hun!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Talk About HAIR
OK. Today i had set up an appointment for my hair treatment next Saturday. Poooh!! At last i had really made up my mind to spent RM1,100 for the whole treatment. There goes my money. They come and rest in my bank account peacefully and eventually leaving me and be in other people's bank account., money. Why do u have to go? Can't you just come?...
Ok, to tell you the truth, I have a really big issue with my hair eversince i started my degree 2 years ago. My style had changed since then and so, my hair need extra attention. I have this thing on Fazura the actress. I had always envy Fazura's hair. She have this very long, healthy, shining and bouncy hair that I really admire. Damn, i wish i can ask for her permission to touch her hair and ask her where did those come from. Treatment every week? A very expensive shampoo?Tell me Fazura! (i hope u read my blog.eheee)
Since 2 years ago, i did spent quite a lot of money to reconstruct my hair. From one salon to another, from one tonic to another and from one shampoo to another. But i still have problems of hair falling off and split ends. Ugly uh?
At last now, i made up my decision to go to a real hair professional and spent a big amount of money to try and have a beautiful healthy hair. My own money. So I hope it will be trully worth it.
I already went through a consultation and my first treatment 2 weeks ago, and next Saturday I am going on another treatmet which is the second one. I really love the feeling of going to a hair treatment session. Somehow i find that it is my most favourite moment in my life. Yes! Like some people favourite moment is shopping, or exercise in gym, well i found mine. HAIR TREATMENT SESSION! . Smell of the shampoo, scalp and neck massage until i can actually go to sleep, clearing up all the dandruff (even if u only have it on one tiny spot and it's really painful ok), steaming, blowing...oh's my therapy.
So, I still have more hair treatment session to go and i hope the result will be satisfying. I promise myself to keep my hair long just like Fazura. She's my hair goddess! wee~
(P/S: When all my treatment is done, maybe i'll post pictures of my new hair ;) For now, I am still obsess about the hair treatment. Am i to worried or this is just a normal things with girls??ha? )
OK. Today i had set up an appointment for my hair treatment next Saturday. Poooh!! At last i had really made up my mind to spent RM1,100 for the whole treatment. There goes my money. They come and rest in my bank account peacefully and eventually leaving me and be in other people's bank account., money. Why do u have to go? Can't you just come?...
Ok, to tell you the truth, I have a really big issue with my hair eversince i started my degree 2 years ago. My style had changed since then and so, my hair need extra attention. I have this thing on Fazura the actress. I had always envy Fazura's hair. She have this very long, healthy, shining and bouncy hair that I really admire. Damn, i wish i can ask for her permission to touch her hair and ask her where did those come from. Treatment every week? A very expensive shampoo?Tell me Fazura! (i hope u read my blog.eheee)
Since 2 years ago, i did spent quite a lot of money to reconstruct my hair. From one salon to another, from one tonic to another and from one shampoo to another. But i still have problems of hair falling off and split ends. Ugly uh?
At last now, i made up my decision to go to a real hair professional and spent a big amount of money to try and have a beautiful healthy hair. My own money. So I hope it will be trully worth it.
I already went through a consultation and my first treatment 2 weeks ago, and next Saturday I am going on another treatmet which is the second one. I really love the feeling of going to a hair treatment session. Somehow i find that it is my most favourite moment in my life. Yes! Like some people favourite moment is shopping, or exercise in gym, well i found mine. HAIR TREATMENT SESSION! . Smell of the shampoo, scalp and neck massage until i can actually go to sleep, clearing up all the dandruff (even if u only have it on one tiny spot and it's really painful ok), steaming, blowing...oh's my therapy.
So, I still have more hair treatment session to go and i hope the result will be satisfying. I promise myself to keep my hair long just like Fazura. She's my hair goddess! wee~
*pretty. i so love her*
(P/S: When all my treatment is done, maybe i'll post pictures of my new hair ;) For now, I am still obsess about the hair treatment. Am i to worried or this is just a normal things with girls??ha? )
Friday, July 10, 2009
More Episode Please...
Cookies baru je habis tengok Blogger Boy sampai episod 7. Wow!! Amazing ceritanye.. I fell in love so much with the storyline and the characters. Bagusnye kalau Cookies ade bakat untuk buat skrip or buat cerita macam ni kan?? *angkat kening*. Cerita yang boleh buat semua orang connect dengan storyline dia. Whether u penah ada dalam situation macam tu, atau tak pernah pun tak de hal. Still boleh jatuh cinta.
Tengok cerita ni memang Cookies tak nk stop.
I wish i had that kind of tuition teacher before, macam Budi.
I wish i ada housemate yang tak pernah mencetuskan rasa boring macam Kid.
I wish i can be someone like Nina. Just like Nina.
hehe...*tak boleh berhenti senyum*
Cookies baru je habis tengok Blogger Boy sampai episod 7. Wow!! Amazing ceritanye.. I fell in love so much with the storyline and the characters. Bagusnye kalau Cookies ade bakat untuk buat skrip or buat cerita macam ni kan?? *angkat kening*. Cerita yang boleh buat semua orang connect dengan storyline dia. Whether u penah ada dalam situation macam tu, atau tak pernah pun tak de hal. Still boleh jatuh cinta.
Tengok cerita ni memang Cookies tak nk stop.
I wish i had that kind of tuition teacher before, macam Budi.
I wish i ada housemate yang tak pernah mencetuskan rasa boring macam Kid.
I wish i can be someone like Nina. Just like Nina.
hehe...*tak boleh berhenti senyum*
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Blogger Boy
Mlm ni agak bosan sikit ber-online. So, semasa Cookies sedang jalan-jalan shopping di blogshops, ada 1 blogshop ni letak banner ad 8TV SHOUT AWARDS. So, tanpa berfikir panjang, Cookies pun 'klik' dan terus sign up utk Vote finalists Shout Awards. Bagi korang yang belom Vote, vote lah sekarang sebelum 17 Julai di Support!
Seperti yang Cookies baca dalam newspaper, pasal Izham kecewa....and I think memang patut pun dia kecewa. Tak de participation dari Channel TV lain kecuali 8TV sendiri dan TV3 sahaja. Come on lah RTM, or Astro RIA ke...u guyz should join and send ur TV programmes for this Shout Awards man! Baru lah ada semangat bertanding dan menambah corak finalists untuk Shout Awards. Plus, this is the industry big event. It's an Award!
Ok...So, dah Vote semua category, Cookiess rasa macam nak pergi pulak Awards ni nanti. Tapi, tak confirm lagi lah. Ini hanyalah niat di hati saja. Ada sesiapa nak teman atau nak join?? =) Kalau ada, bolehlah pergi!
Done my Voting job, Cookies pun browse 8TV Catch Up TV dan terus klik Blogger Boy.
Sebenarnya dah lama Cookies nak tngok cerita ni. Tapi tak pernah berkesempatan sebab waktu dia on-air dulu, Cookies duduk hostel. So, memang tak dapat layan TV. So, sekarang dah ada peluang, takkan Cookies lepaskan.
Harini tengok 1st episode je sebab dah lewat pagi ni. Esok kene bangun awal (ada kelas). Cookies puas hati dengan cerita ni. Story line dah nampak dah best in this 1st episode. Character pun menarik. Main actor is a Tuition teacher. (Jarangkan ada watak macam ni?) .He is Budi. Then, housemate dia, Kid. Then Budi's ex-gf of 2 years who will be married to another man, Jehan and Budi's long lost friend, Nina who happened to be Jehan's wedding photographer.
Overall, the first episode dah mnarik hati Cookies. Lina Tan's and Rafidah's drama series never fail to shoot a cupid strike to my heart i guess. heheee... So, girls and boys, you should watch Blogger Boy at 8TV Catch Up TV. A blog delivered in a comic form. A Malaysian drama series.
<3 <3 <3
Mlm ni agak bosan sikit ber-online. So, semasa Cookies sedang jalan-jalan shopping di blogshops, ada 1 blogshop ni letak banner ad 8TV SHOUT AWARDS. So, tanpa berfikir panjang, Cookies pun 'klik' dan terus sign up utk Vote finalists Shout Awards. Bagi korang yang belom Vote, vote lah sekarang sebelum 17 Julai di Support!
Seperti yang Cookies baca dalam newspaper, pasal Izham kecewa....and I think memang patut pun dia kecewa. Tak de participation dari Channel TV lain kecuali 8TV sendiri dan TV3 sahaja. Come on lah RTM, or Astro RIA ke...u guyz should join and send ur TV programmes for this Shout Awards man! Baru lah ada semangat bertanding dan menambah corak finalists untuk Shout Awards. Plus, this is the industry big event. It's an Award!
Ok...So, dah Vote semua category, Cookiess rasa macam nak pergi pulak Awards ni nanti. Tapi, tak confirm lagi lah. Ini hanyalah niat di hati saja. Ada sesiapa nak teman atau nak join?? =) Kalau ada, bolehlah pergi!
Done my Voting job, Cookies pun browse 8TV Catch Up TV dan terus klik Blogger Boy.
Sebenarnya dah lama Cookies nak tngok cerita ni. Tapi tak pernah berkesempatan sebab waktu dia on-air dulu, Cookies duduk hostel. So, memang tak dapat layan TV. So, sekarang dah ada peluang, takkan Cookies lepaskan.
Harini tengok 1st episode je sebab dah lewat pagi ni. Esok kene bangun awal (ada kelas). Cookies puas hati dengan cerita ni. Story line dah nampak dah best in this 1st episode. Character pun menarik. Main actor is a Tuition teacher. (Jarangkan ada watak macam ni?) .He is Budi. Then, housemate dia, Kid. Then Budi's ex-gf of 2 years who will be married to another man, Jehan and Budi's long lost friend, Nina who happened to be Jehan's wedding photographer.
Overall, the first episode dah mnarik hati Cookies. Lina Tan's and Rafidah's drama series never fail to shoot a cupid strike to my heart i guess. heheee... So, girls and boys, you should watch Blogger Boy at 8TV Catch Up TV. A blog delivered in a comic form. A Malaysian drama series.
<3 <3 <3
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
MJ's Memorial
Now : Watching Michael Jackson Memorial at the Staples Center 'Live' at
What's on my mind : "he's not Islam ke?'s between him and god lah...hmmmmmmmmmm..."
Now : Watching Michael Jackson Memorial at the Staples Center 'Live' at
What's on my mind : "he's not Islam ke?'s between him and god lah...hmmmmmmmmmm..."
"MJ, everyone do loves you. You touches everyone's heart"
Monday, July 6, 2009
Friends and Blood
1st day of the semester started.
Morning: Advertising Campaign Class
Evening : German class.
Night : Strawberry's nose bled while his on the bus, on his way home just now. huhuuu... He was alone without Cookies at that time... =(
*Cookies was happy to meet the bestest masscomm girlfriends today. Miss Ella Cyrus had put on too much weight after the 1 and a half month break.'s 7 kg ok! (whispering) hahaha!!*
1st day of the semester started.
Morning: Advertising Campaign Class
Evening : German class.
Night : Strawberry's nose bled while his on the bus, on his way home just now. huhuuu... He was alone without Cookies at that time... =(
*Cookies was happy to meet the bestest masscomm girlfriends today. Miss Ella Cyrus had put on too much weight after the 1 and a half month break.'s 7 kg ok! (whispering) hahaha!!*
Sunday, July 5, 2009
What Happened?
A lot of things happened since Cookies last wrote the blog on Thursday. Let's see what:
Friday : I spent a great amount of RM500 in one evening. Good advertising and good marketing had really made a 23 year old conscious girl like Cookies spent that amount to be beautiful.(Hope so - is now waiting for the result after10 session from now). BANKRUPT!
Saturday : Woke up at 11 a.m. and start doing banner manually for Nyel's Birthday Party. 12 p.m. the Cake is ready to be eaten and birthday song were sang. We had BBQ after that at 12:30 p.m. Hot, veeerry hot! Best one is the "Ikan Talapia". Juiiiicyyyy!...... Then StrawberryCookies and Iman boy had our own little Funfair game things. Tired but fun Sabtuday! ooh! Big News, Nyel's finally did it! He walks on his own later that evening. Yayyyy!!! Grandma said, "he need's us to celebrate his birthday first rupenye".hehee..(Anyway, wait for the Birthday bash pics to be uploaded in a few days time).
Sunday : Not much. Cookies misses Strawberry a lot until burst into tears before went to bed last night. Cookies had to stop her OC DVD because the episode were sad too. Crying too much can get you to major headache until you just gotta sleep. *sob sob* . Holiday is over and class starts on Monday. *sigh* Gotta be in UiTM by 8a.m this morning. Uuurrgghhh....uurrgghh..uurrggh..
Thanx for reading,
see you again love.
Friday : I spent a great amount of RM500 in one evening. Good advertising and good marketing had really made a 23 year old conscious girl like Cookies spent that amount to be beautiful.(Hope so - is now waiting for the result after10 session from now). BANKRUPT!
Saturday : Woke up at 11 a.m. and start doing banner manually for Nyel's Birthday Party. 12 p.m. the Cake is ready to be eaten and birthday song were sang. We had BBQ after that at 12:30 p.m. Hot, veeerry hot! Best one is the "Ikan Talapia". Juiiiicyyyy!...... Then StrawberryCookies and Iman boy had our own little Funfair game things. Tired but fun Sabtuday! ooh! Big News, Nyel's finally did it! He walks on his own later that evening. Yayyyy!!! Grandma said, "he need's us to celebrate his birthday first rupenye".hehee..(Anyway, wait for the Birthday bash pics to be uploaded in a few days time).
Sunday : Not much. Cookies misses Strawberry a lot until burst into tears before went to bed last night. Cookies had to stop her OC DVD because the episode were sad too. Crying too much can get you to major headache until you just gotta sleep. *sob sob* . Holiday is over and class starts on Monday. *sigh* Gotta be in UiTM by 8a.m this morning. Uuurrgghhh....uurrgghh..uurrggh..
*Reason Cookies put up this pic: she misses him*
Thanx for reading,
see you again love.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
What's more best to spent your Thursday evening going to the cinema watching Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen.
Ya yaa, StrawberryCookies knows that we are a week late since the movie boost the cinema. Some people had probably watch it for 3 times already and today, we finally watched it and as expected, the movie is miraculously incredible! We certainly feels that this second movie is getting better than the first. (yup, many bloggers, reviewers and people find the first is better). It's like love at first sight looking at some Autobots characters especially Bumblebee. For ladies, he symbolize a hot gentlemen with amazing bodies and a hot sexy chick for the guys. ahaa!
More Autobots and more Decepticons appears this time fighting for the Universe. Although Optimus Prime died and did not have too many scene, other characters of the Autobots especially Bee and the twins did a good job in this movie without their leader (We wonder why do they fight in the green forest anyway?). The Autobots are working together with the NEST and Sam, Mikaela and his roomates starts to run without much stop in this movie.
Personally, StrawberryCookies can feel the close relationship between Sam and Bumblebee this time with the dialogue used between them. Less Bumble and more Bee...('s like calling your sweetheart). Some reviewer of the movie dislike the fact that Bay's camera are lingering all over Megan Fox's but to us there is nothing wrong to portray the heroine in the film since Transformers are from Comic and that is how a lady is shown in Comics. Sexy. Besides, she's Megan Fox, the gorgeous!
Then, at the last part of the story, all characters are brought to Egypt, the place of the Fallen. But, something spoilt the movie in Egypt. The scenery shown is so unrealistic. Bay was showing camels walking in line in Silhoutte, and sound of a voice reading Al-Quran. Not so much of a "realistic" there. Then, after all the fight, there are no dead bodies or serious damage happened in that area. Again, not realistic. Maybe Bay was thinking that audience will not care so much about the scenery, they only care about the action between the characters and the way they transform.
However, in Revenge of the Fallen, there are no single scene that can make us bored watching it. It's all fast, stylish and loud. We should really look up to this kind of hard work and quality in a movie where they make superb effects of so many charaters being transformed. What an intelligent, creative, hardworking and rich team Bay have.
The movie ends with a message from Optimus Prime again just like before. StrawberryCookies just want to do a standing ovation and a round of applause at the end of the movie but the audience in the cinema was not a havoc one like we use to have while watching Transformers in Pavillion back in 2007. (OO yeah, the audience there we were clapping and so excited)
O, not to forget, Linkin Park did a great job again on the new OST titled New Divide. Still, What I've Done is a more perfect sound for Transformers. Agree? New Divide still did not get into our head until today.
We give a 4/5 for Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
We r sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo NOT! haha! Guess wut happened to us today?
Cookies got a call from this number, 0301 at 3 pm today and a man with a voice sounded like a mamak or Indian spoke in Malay to Cookies.
And the conversation goes...
Man: Hello, Saya telefon dari Celcom Customer Service Centre.
Cookies: Ye...
Man: Saya dari Celcom Customer Service ingin mengucapkan Tahniah ye kepada Cik kerana telah memenangi 5 ribu ringgit ye.
Cookies: Ye?.... (curious and thinking that she might hear a wrong thing as the line was not very clear)
Man: Ye. Semalam Celcom telah membuat cabutan sempena Ulang Tahun Celcom, dan nombor anda telah memenangi tempat ke-3 ye dalam cabutan itu. Anda telah memenangi 5ribu ringgit.
Cookies: Huh?! emm...Macam mane saye nak tahu panggilan ni betol dari Celcom?
Man: Saye dari Celcom Customer Service Centre ye. (for God sake! how many times do u wannna repeat the same thing damn man?!isshh!! Curousity is getting more and more). Kami ingin bank-in kan wang yang nda telah menang petang ini juge. Cik ade bank akaun? Sila berikan nombor akaun Cik ye jika ada.
Cookies: Tapi Saya takut tak betol.Saya tak percaya lah.
'Pap! Tooot...Toot..Toot...end'
The bloody man cut off the conversation when Cookies told him that i dont trust on it.
Then Cookies send a SMS to Strawberry and told him about the mysterious call. Guess what? Strawberry got the same "Winning bloody call" as well. So, we figured out that the man calls out random numbers in his data collection as Strawberry and Cookies number are almost similar. Strawberry last 3 digits is 779, while Cookies last 3 digits are 780.
Strawberry told Cookies what he said to the man while he called him. Strawberry curse the man all through the conversation as he feels that the man was trying to make a false call. (See the diff how girls and guys handle a situation?...Girls, polite and guys, curse) hahaha!
So, to u who read this, do not trust on this kinda false call easily. They might rob all your money from your bank account in a blink of an eye. We might not know how they can do it but they can! So, BEWARE and don't trust strangers easily.
To Celcom, please send more message to your customers to remind them and beware of this false calls coz some people might get excited and do not realise they are being rob by those bloody false caller. Especially those Mak Cik that sometimes got really excited when they hear that their number had been chosen as one of a winner to win thousands of Ringgit. (Easy money maaah..)
The day you thought is ur lucky day may be your worst damn day.
Cookies got a call from this number, 0301 at 3 pm today and a man with a voice sounded like a mamak or Indian spoke in Malay to Cookies.
And the conversation goes...
Man: Hello, Saya telefon dari Celcom Customer Service Centre.
Cookies: Ye...
Man: Saya dari Celcom Customer Service ingin mengucapkan Tahniah ye kepada Cik kerana telah memenangi 5 ribu ringgit ye.
Cookies: Ye?.... (curious and thinking that she might hear a wrong thing as the line was not very clear)
Man: Ye. Semalam Celcom telah membuat cabutan sempena Ulang Tahun Celcom, dan nombor anda telah memenangi tempat ke-3 ye dalam cabutan itu. Anda telah memenangi 5ribu ringgit.
Cookies: Huh?! emm...Macam mane saye nak tahu panggilan ni betol dari Celcom?
Man: Saye dari Celcom Customer Service Centre ye. (for God sake! how many times do u wannna repeat the same thing damn man?!isshh!! Curousity is getting more and more). Kami ingin bank-in kan wang yang nda telah menang petang ini juge. Cik ade bank akaun? Sila berikan nombor akaun Cik ye jika ada.
Cookies: Tapi Saya takut tak betol.Saya tak percaya lah.
'Pap! Tooot...Toot..Toot...end'
The bloody man cut off the conversation when Cookies told him that i dont trust on it.
Then Cookies send a SMS to Strawberry and told him about the mysterious call. Guess what? Strawberry got the same "Winning bloody call" as well. So, we figured out that the man calls out random numbers in his data collection as Strawberry and Cookies number are almost similar. Strawberry last 3 digits is 779, while Cookies last 3 digits are 780.
Strawberry told Cookies what he said to the man while he called him. Strawberry curse the man all through the conversation as he feels that the man was trying to make a false call. (See the diff how girls and guys handle a situation?...Girls, polite and guys, curse) hahaha!
So, to u who read this, do not trust on this kinda false call easily. They might rob all your money from your bank account in a blink of an eye. We might not know how they can do it but they can! So, BEWARE and don't trust strangers easily.
To Celcom, please send more message to your customers to remind them and beware of this false calls coz some people might get excited and do not realise they are being rob by those bloody false caller. Especially those Mak Cik that sometimes got really excited when they hear that their number had been chosen as one of a winner to win thousands of Ringgit. (Easy money maaah..)
The day you thought is ur lucky day may be your worst damn day.
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